The project Sublima ( is a large-scale FP7 Integrating Project with the TU Delft is working with Philips Research and other institutions to perform truly simultaneous, fully integrated, full-length TOF-PET / MRI technology for concurrent functional and anatomical images. They combine highly sensitive functional possibilities of the PET images with excellent soft tissue contrast and complementary capabilities of functional magnetic resonance image.
Sublima TOF-PET aims to promote physical limits by introducing new methods and technologies in all parts of the image chain. In the Delft University of Technology have recently established a world record for solving match time (CRT) of ~ 100 ps. Within Sublima take this research forward, focusing on a novel, compact, scalable concept, PET detector MR-compatible which makes use of new scintillation materials technology, new solid-state light detection and real-time processing digital signal, which will be used for PET systems with unmatched picture performance.
Information and application
For more information about this position, please contact Dr. Ir. D. R. Schaart, phone: 31 (0)15-2783292 , e-mail: For general information about the application procedure, you are welcome to contact Mrs. J.M.A. Buurman, phone: 31 (0)15 2785244 , e-mail:
To apply, please e-mail a detailed CV along with a letter of application by 31 October 2010 to Dr. Schaart, Foreign students are advised to mention their GRE (physics) and TOEFL scores in the application letter.
When applying for this position, please refer to vacancy number TNWRRR10-025.