2 Day Workshop on Biomedical Systems Modelling, Simulation and Analysis in Bangalore


Two Day  Workshop on


Organized by
M. S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies

Date: 15th & 16th March 2013 ( Friday & Saturday)

Venue:  M. S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru-58


Signal and image processing techniques have enabled numerous vital technologies and applications. Biomedical system is one such domain where the interplay of concepts from multiple areas is critical.

This seminar introduces the basic principles of biomedical signal processing along with hands-on interactive sessions using MATLAB and LabVIEW. The principles as well as state-of-the-art methods in biomedical signal and image analysis would be elaborated in the context of selected applications of biomedical systems. The technical sessions are framed in view of the introducing biomedical signals processing and system simulation. These fundamental techniques lay a strong basis to explore the advancements in biomedical systems. The sessions will provide a unique learning experience from theoretical concepts to advanced methods and applications to students and researchers entering into biomedical discipline.

The first day of the seminar focuses on the biomedical signal and image processing algorithms. The session talks will emphasize how the classical signal and image processing algorithms are applied on biomedical signals and images. The theory sessions are accompanied by tutorial sessions to gain experience in processing biomedical signal and images using MATLAB. A case study involving the modeling of blood flow would be presented to highlight the complexities involved in biomedical systems.

The second day of the seminar aims to explore a couple of case studies in Biomedical System development and hands-on experience. Delegates will learn the intricacies behind the simulation of the biomedical systems / subsystems as well as the data-acquisition using LabVIEW and DAQ modules.


Seminar Objectives:

The workshop aims at enabling delegates

• To understand the principles of Biomedical signal and image processing algorithms
• To learn the functional aspects of Biomedical system development
• To have hands-on experience in using MATLAB and LabVIEW for biomedical applications
• To discuss the scope and opportunities in Biomedical engineering

Who Should Attend:

• Bachelors and Masters Students
• Faculties from academic institutions who would like to get into Biomedical signal processing research
• Researchers interested in Biomedical systems

  Day-01                                                               15-03-2013                                                                    Friday
9.30 am – 11.00 am Signal & Image Processing in Biomedical Systems
Dr. Hariharan Ramasangu, MSRSAS, Bangalore
Tea Break
11.30 am – 1.00 pm Modelling of Biomedical Systems Industrial Experts
Lunch Break
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm Modelling & Simulation of Subject-specific Blood Flow in the Carotid Artery Bifurcation Dr. M. D. Deshpande, MSRSAS, Bangalore
Tea Break
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Tools for Simulation & Analysis of Biomedical Systems
Mr. Varun Arur & Mr. Sreekrishna, MSRSAS, Bangalore
Day-02                                                                16-03-2013                                                                           Saturday
9:30 am – 11:00 am Case Study 1: Analysis of ECG signal and development of related interfaces Mr. Sitaram Gupta, MSRSAS, Bangalore
Tea Break
11.30 am – 1.00 pm Case Study 2: Data Acquisition and Processing in Biomedical Systems (covering Pulse Oxymeter using MULTISIM and LABVIEW) Mr. Sitaram Gupta, MSRSAS, Bangalore
Lunch Break
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm Hands-on interactive session – 1 in Lab
Mr. Varun Arur, Mr. Sreekrishna & Mr. Sitaram Gupta, MSRSAS, Bangalore
Tea Break
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Hands-on interactive session – 2 in Lab
Mr. Varun Arur, Mr. Sreekrishna & Mr. Sitaram Gupta, MSRSAS, Bangalore


Registration Form Download

E – Brochure

Please send your registration form to:

Mr. Vijaykumar S. 
Manager – Academic Relations
E-Mail: vijaykumar@msrsas.org, vijay.msrsas@gmail.com
Mobile: 98863 94532

Ms. Archana Madhukar
Executive- Academic Relations
E-mail: archana.m@msrsas.org, archanamsrsas@gmail.com
Phone: 91-80-4906 5555,
Fax: 91-80 – 4211 1205


Note: Outstation participants to send only DD/at par Cheque Registration


Rs. 3,500/- For Industrial Participants
Rs. 3,000/- For Participants from Govt. Research Organisations
Rs. 2,000/- For Faculty from Academic Institutions
Rs. 1,000/- For Students from Academic Institutions

Note: Payments to be made through D.D. in favour of : M.S.Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, Payable at Bengaluru.


Accommodation is available at our hostels at actual prices on first come first served basis.
Single Occupancy – Rs.500/- Per head per day
Double Occupancy – Rs.400/- Per head per day
Charges for meals and refreshments, other than those served during seminar sessions, are not included


    Workshop brochure

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