Tag Archives: BRAIN

OpenEEGproject: Make “EEG Machine” as Biomedical Project

HANNOVER, GERMANY - MARCH 02:  A man, wearing ...

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About the OpenEEG project

Many people are interested in what is called neurofeedback or EEG biofeedback training, a generic mental training method which makes the trainee consciously aware of the general activity in the brain. This method shows great potential for improving many mental capabilities and exploring consciousness. Other people want to do experiments with brain-computer interfaces or just want to have a look at their brain at work.

Unfortunately, commercial EEG devices are generally too expensive to become a hobbyist tool or toy.

Biomedical innovation:Memories Controlled by a switch in Rat

A method to turn memories on and off with the flip of a switch, has been developed by the scientists.

Using an electronic system that duplicates the neural signals associated with memory, they managed to replicate the brain function in rats associated with long-term learned behaviour, even when the rats had been drugged to forget.

“Flip the switch on, and the rats remember. Flip it off, and the rats forget,” said Theodore Berger of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering‘s department of biomedical engineering.

BioBolt: A new Biomedical Innovation for Rehablitation

This is very exciting news just out of the University of Michigan‘s Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department (EECS).  They report that Dr. Euisik Yoon (Prof. EECS and Biomedical Sensors and Subsystem’s Thrust Leader) and his staff have developed the BioBolt – a “non-invasive brain implant” to create motion from thought.  That is, by placement near the brain on the cranium, the device can pick up neural signals and transmit them.

New Algorithm Reads EEG Signals More efficiently from Brain

Image NameElectroencephalography (EEG) records the electrical signals produced by the brain using an array of electrodes placed on the scalp. Computers use an algorithm called common spatial pattern (CSP) to translate these signals into commands for the control of various devices.

Haiping Lu at the A*A*STAR Institute for Infocomm Research and co-workers[1] have now developed an improved version of CSP for classifying EEG signals. The new algorithm will facilitate the development of advanced brain–computer interfaces that may one day enable paralyzed patients to control devices such as computers and robotic arms.

What are the various Bio-Accoustic Signals present in human Body?

GIF-animation showing a moving echocardiogram;...

Image via Wikipedia


Bioacoustic signals (BAS) are defined as a family of signals that includes the sounds produced by the human body, whereas, in general, the study of sounds produced by living organisms is referred to as bioacoustics. As BAS are the audible outcome emitted from the human body, they possess valuable diagnostic information regarding the functionality of the human organs involved in the sound production mechanisms.

PhD in Biomedical Engineering Started in New Mexico

A new bio­med­ical engi­neer­ing con­cen­tra­tion in the Ph.D. in engi­neer­ing degree pro­gram will be offered by the Uni­ver­sity of New Mex­ico School of Engi­neer­ing start­ing Fall 2011. UNM is also seek­ing per­mis­sion from the State of New Mex­ico to offer a Master’s Degree in Bio­med­ical Engineering.

Together, the M.S. and Ph.D. pro­grams will form a com­plete grad­u­ate pro­gram in bio­med­ical engi­neer­ing, the only such pro­gram in New Mex­ico.  The pro­grams will pre­pare stu­dents for posi­tions in acad­e­mia and in lab­o­ra­to­ries across the nation and world­wide, as well as in the large num­ber of biotech com­pa­nies in New Mexico.