Tag Archives: Physical exercise

Phd in BioEngineering in Netherlands

Job Description: Developing machine-learning algorithms based on accelerometer data for assessment of energy expenditure, coordination skill and motoneuronal control in home healthcare applications. Physical activity is affected by health, and thus physical activity is an indicator of health status. Increasing age is accompanied by a decline in coordination and aerobic capacity. In this project, age associated changes as mentioned are studied by measuring patterns of objectively assessed physical activity and smoothness of typical activities like walking. Altered neural control disrupts the timing and muscle patterns necessary for smooth and regular stepping.

Green Tea As A Natural Anti-Depressant? Red orbit

Green Tea As A Natural Anti-Depressant?

Posted on: Saturday, 19 December 2009, 06:25 CST

According to a recently released Japanese study, drinking several cups of green tea a day may work as a natural anti-depressant for older men and women, adding yet a another healthful boon to the increasingly researched wonder beverage.

Researchers at Sendai’s Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering found that elderly people over the age of 70 who drank four or more cups of green tea per day were 44 percent less likely to struggle with depression than those who drank less than four cups.