Tag Archives: Request for proposal

Ph.D and Postdoc Positions in Thailand

Scholarship(2014) for Post-Doc and Docteral Program in Biomedical Engineering,
Mahidol University,Thailand

BioNEDD Lab and Depatment of Biomedical Engineering are pleased to offer scholarship for a doctoral program 

(international program) in drug delivery system /Biomaterials fields.
– Applicants can send the applications including detailed CV and transcripts to pinunta.n@gmail.com (our research assistant)
– Highly motivated applicants with a relevant background in polymer science, chemistry and chemical engineering, medical technology, biotechnology, and nano are encouraged to apply.
– You may be offered a scholarship cover:
     – 50 % subsidy of tuition fee
     – Monthly allowance 

For more infomation please contact pinunta.n@gmail.com (Pinunta)

Pinunta Nittayacharn (Petch)
Research Assistant 
BioNEDD Laboratory (www.bionedd.org)
Department of Biomedical Engineering, 
Faculty of Engineering, 
Mahidol University,Thailand