The Summer Training Program is open to candidates who are currently in the penultimate year of their degree program (for example second year of a three year Bachelors or first year of a two year Masters Programme).
The program is open to students of all branches of Biology / Maths / Physics / Chemistry / Psychology / Engineering / computer science and Medical Sciences or equivalent.
The programme will be conducted for a period of two months between the months of May- August.
The exact starting date can be flexible depending on candidates’ convenience but cannot be later than June 15th. Selected candidates will be paid a stipend of Rs. 1000/- per month and will be provided free accommodation. Candidates will have to bear the cost of travel, meals and other expenses.
General Instructions for Summer Training Programme
The candidates should apply with their curriculum vitae giving details of education starting from 10th standard. In addition, the candidates should submit a small project proposal of not more than 1000 words that should identify a research problem, and describe how it can be tackled experimentally.
The research proposal could be in the areas of active research at NBRC (see our website or outside but related to neuroscience. Selection will be based on candidates academic career, level of interest and the project proposal that will be evaluated for originality and feasibility.
1. Annual Fees(Non-refundable) Rs. 5000/- (Payable in two instalments before 15th July / 15th January every year).
2. Hostel Deposit Rs. 4000/- (Refundable)
3. Library Deposit Rs. 1000/- (Refundable)