I as a biomedical engineer want to put up this question to all the people who are involved in providing the jobs all around the world to the graduate students.
My point of view is that when we talk about a engineering discipline then we must consider this fact that how holistic is the approach of the subject
how much wide spectrum of engineering it posses within it?
but no one consider this at all
The first and foremost question when a students clears his intermediate level of study is which stream he/she must choose so as to secure a wonderful position in terms of job as well as status quo in the society
so the first priority is that the field which he is choosing today must not give him the dissatisfaction tomorrow
but when the students enter into the field of biomedical engineering then he/she is not aware about the subject they choose it in order to get a graduation engineering degree.
but as the course progresses he/she learns the importance of the course and starts enjoying the course as this course is really wonderful in all respect
it takes a person from biology to mathematics to physics then to nuclear physics computational sciences computer science every sphere of engineering has application in this field
or we can say that a biomedical engineer has to undergo the most rigourous training out of all the engineers
but the problem not lies there
problem is with the system which has not made a place for biomedical engineering jobs
they only think that these person are not meant for them directly
all the present discoveries are related to biomedical engineering only still a biomedical engineer in india has to search forums on the net to find a suitable or possible job for him/ her
no profile satisfaction as well
the engineer is asked to do a job of sales person
or to do a door to door servicing
is this what for we id engineering for
biomedical engineers have lot of potential as they have struggled with all the spheres of engineering discipline
they work around each and every aspect of engineering
they can do anything miraculous
but the problem is simple that is dearth of opportunities
people say look at the newspaper
this is being developed that is being developed
somewhere artificial heart has started beating
everything is happening but nothing there for the current graduates who are coming out
please this is an request for all the recruiters please notice also the application of biomedical engineer
i cant listen the line
i don’t know what a biomedical engineer is?