Medical imaging is one of the biggest blessings of science and technology to serve the humanity. The remarkable developments in the field of medical imaging is intensified by advancement of image processing, pattern recognition and machine intelligence techniques and they have strengthened the recent advancement of medical diagnostics. The key benefit of medical imaging is that it makes diagnosis possible in a non-invasive way. Medical imaging can be used for early detection, where the diseases could be detected at an early stage and thereby the chance of revival is increased for the patients and that comes with less pain and expenditure. Over the years people from various disciplines including doctors, engineers and scientists have strengthened this niche area of medical imaging. Though it?s an exciting area of research, the role of south-eastern Asian countries and African nations are very insignificant in this domain. However, to make the affordable solution available and acceptable to the masses the active participation of the local researchers is necessary in this region. One of the primary challenges of this domain is that it needs a multi-disciplinary approach. This workshop brings the key personalities/participants in this field to share with you their recent advances and experiences. It provides you the recent trend of industry needs and research and creates an opportunity to develop the local as well as global network. Department of Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering and School of Medical Science & Technology, IIT Kharagpur being actively involved in multidisciplinary research and teaching in medical imaging and instrumentation, image processing and pattern analysis, provides the venue of this workshop.
Topics/Areas to be Covered
* Introduction to Medical Imaging
* Breast Cancer Imaging
* Landmarking/segmentation of 3D CT images
* Fundamentals of Medical Imaging
* Optical Imaging
* Early Detection of Oral Cancer – A computer vision theoretic technique
* Embedded VLSI US System
* Image Processing for Medical Images
* Tele Medicine
* Tongue Imaging
* Image Registration: Methods & Applications
* Clinical Application Development Methods ? From open source to inner source
* 3D imaging/Fusion Imaging
* Classification of Liver US Images
Prof. R M Rangayyan, University Professor, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada (Key Resource Person)
Prof. A K Roy, VC BESU, Professor, Dept. of Electronics and ECE, IIT Kharagpur
Prof. S Sengupta, Dean, Continuing Education, Professor, Dept. of Electronics and ECE, IIT Kharagpur
Prof. P K Biswas, HOD, Computer Informatics Centre, Professor, Dept. of Electronics and ECE, IIT Kharagpur
Prof. S Banerjee, Professor, Dept. of Electronics and ECE, IIT Kharagpur
Prof. J Mukhopadhyay, HOD, Dept. of Computer Science and Engg. and Information Technology, IIT Kharagpur
Prof. P K Dutta, HOD SMST, Professor, Electrical Engg., IIT Kharagpur
Prof. S Mukhopadhyay, Dept. of Electronics and ECE, IIT Kharagpur
Prof. Vinod Kumar, HOD, Electrical Engg., IIT Roorkee
Dr. N Khandelwal, HOD & Prof. Radiodiagnosis, PGIMER, Chandighar
Dr. Rakesh Mullick, Principal Engineer, JFWTC, GE, Bangalore
Dr. M S Dinesh, Consultant, Imaging CAD, Siemens, Bangalore
Dr. P Bhattacharaya, Director & Radilogist, Quadra, Kolkata
Mr. K R Shivakumar, Lead Architect, Philips Healthcare, Bangalore
Mr. Yogish Mallaya, Domain Specialist ? Medical Imaging, Philips Healthcare, Bangalore
The workshop will be conducted simultaneously in IIT Kharagpur at Kharagpur and at Salt Lake, Kolkata campuses. These two venues are connected through interactive Multimedia facility (via. Virtual LAN), which will enable the interested participants of both the sides to interact in real time. As good accommodation facilities in Kharagpur are limited outside the campus, it will enable more participants to join and enjoy the metro ambiance.
IIT Kharagpur Kolkata Campus
IIT Kharagpur Kolkata Extension Centre,
Sector-3, Near Tank No-14,
Saltlake, Kolkata-700106.
Phone: 033-23379793 IIT Kharagpur Campus
Registration Fees
No Registration Fee will be charged from the teachers of AICTE approved Engineering Colleges/Universities.
However, a bank draft on any Bank in Kharagpur of Rs. 2000/- to ‘CEP-STC, IIT Kharagpur’ should be sent along with the completed registration form. Without the draft and declarations, no application will be processed. After the successful completion of the workshop, it will be returned to the participant. For candidates who could not get a confirmed seat in this Workshop the draft would be returned immediately by post. In case the selected candidate do not appear in time or cancel at the last moment, there will be no refund.
The selected teachers from AICTE approved Engineering Colleges/Universities will be paid TA (limited to a maximum of AC-III tier by the shortest route as per institute rule).
Food and Accomodation
Participants will be provided food (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and accommodation in the Institute campus. Details of accommodation will be sent to the participants after we have received the completed registration form.
Important Dates
Last date for registration : November 15, 2010 (Monday)
[Complete application along with the Demand Draft should be received by the coordinator by this date]
Course Duration : 2nd January – 8th January, 2011
Course Material :
Necessary course materials will be provided to the participants during the course.
Who can Apply :
Teachers of AICTE approved Engineering Colleges/ Universities.
How to Apply :
Download the registration form. Filled in registration form should reach the course coordinator on or before November 15, 2010 (Monday). The original copy of the filled in registration form may be sent by post. Participants should provide the proof of fulltime employment from the employer (HOD/Head of the institute).
The total number of seats in this course is limited to 50. We would prefer to have a balanced mix among the participants from different institutes.
For any queries please contact:
Phone: +91-3222-281476 / 281491
Fax: +91-3222-255303 / 282264
Prof. S Mukhopadhyay, Coordinator,
AICTE Workshop on Medical Imaging,
Dept. of Electronics & ECE, IIT Kharagpur,
India 721302.
Email :
Phone : +91-3222-283568
Prof. P.K. Dutta, Co-coordinator
Email :
Phone : +91-3222-283054
Download the registration form.