We are seeking applicants for a prestigious Kelvin-Smith Scholarship award at the Biomedical Engineering Research Division, School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, with an interest in working in an interdisciplinary engineering research environment.

The research project will develop bio-inspired paradigms underlying the RunBot walking robot into rehabilitation technology for spinal cord injury. The RunBot was developed at Glasgow University and is the fastest robot of its kind, revolutionising the way in which we think about walking (http://www.berndporr.me.uk/ijrr). The walking pattern of the RunBot is generated by the simple idea that ground contact information is used to trigger the walking cycle. We now wish to use this new paradigm as a model to develop new orthetic devices to help people with walking disabilities or with spinal injuries.
The scholar will create new hardware and software to develop the RunBot into an orthetic device, plan and conduct experimental tests, initially on healthy subjects, followed by evaluation with patients who have suffered from spinal injury affecting their ability to walk. The work is a collaboration between electronic engineers and biomedical engineers at the Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering (CRE, http://www.gla.ac.uk/cre), based at the Queen Elizabeth National Spinal Injuries Unit at the Southern General Hospital, Glasgow.
The applicant should have at least a 1st or upper second class (or equivalent) undergraduate degree in electronics, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering or physics. A background in electronics and control, together with a strong interest in working in an interdisciplinary clinical research environment, are desirable.
The scholarship includes a student stipend at research council recommended rates (£13,590 in 2011/12). In addition £5,300 per annum is available for conferences attendance and research costs. International students are invited to apply as the Scholar’s tuition fee will be waived in full.
Further enquiries may be sent to Dr Bernd Porr (bernd.porr@gla.ac.uk) or Dr Henrik Gollee (henrik.gollee@glasgow.ac.uk).
Applications may be made on line at:
In order for your applications to be processed correctly, clearly state the project title and supervisors in your application.
Closing Date – Monday 15th March 2011.