June 20th – 24th, 2011
Victor Menezes Convention Centre (VMCC), IIT Bombay
Conducted by CARIMO CELL, IIT Bombay
About the course
MRI technology and applications have advanced tremendously over the last few decades. Keeping this in mind, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai presents a one-of-its-kind MRI course in India. The uniqueness of this course is that it addresses engineers, students, doctors, technicians and application specialists on one platform. The course covers all facets of MRI, giving the target audience a never before opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of MRI techniques and its applications.
Course Faculty
- Experienced Professors and Researchers from IIT Bombay will teach basic techniques and recent advances in MRI.
- Radiologists from leading hospitals in the country will explain various clinical aspects of MRI.
- Application specialists from internationally renowned Imaging Industries will demonstrate ‘tricks’ for striking a balance between image qualities and imaging time.
COURSE FACULTY {CORE} *names are displayed in alphabetic order
* Dr. Abhijit Pawar, Radiologist, Pune
* Prof. A. V. Deshmukh, Ph.D (IIT Bombay)
* Prof. A. Arunachalam, IIT Bombay
* Dr. Bhavin Jankharia, Radiologist, Mumbai
* Prof. B. Ravi, IIT Bombay
* Dr. Deepak Patkar, Radiologist, Mumbai
* Dr. Malini Lawande, Radiologist, Mumbai
* Prof. M.D Atrey, IIT Bombay
* Prof. P.S.V. Nataraj, IIT Bombay
* Dr. Sona Pungavkar, Radiologist, Mumbai
* Prof. V.M. Gadre, IIT Bombay
Course Contents
- MRI Overview
- MRI Spin Physics
- MRI Cryogenics-superconductivity, superconducting magnets,
- Cryocoolers, and a visit to the Cryogenics Lab at IIT Bombay
- MRI Signals : basics, characteristics, generation, and detection
- MRI Imaging : basics, reconstruction, optimization, with tutorial
and visit to imaging centre of a leading Mumbai hospital
- MRI Instrumentation- overview, maintenance, safety, control and recent Advances
- 3D Anatomy Modeling from CT/MRI, CAD/CAM of Orthopedic Implants and a visit to the Ortho CAD Lab at IIT Bombay
- Parameter Tradeoffs
- Pulse Sequences
- Optimizing Scan: quality and time
- Artifacts and Corrections
- Documentation and Data Storage
- MR Contrast
- MR Safety and Patient care
- Clinical studies – Brain, Orbit, Temporal Lobe, Pituitary,
Cardiac, Liver, MRCP, MR Angiography, MR Urography,
Upper and Lower Limbs, Brachical Plexus, Breast, Pelvis, Spine and SI joints.
- Recent Advances: Functional imaging, diffusion weighted imaging,
Cardiac imaging, 3T MRI, Spectroscopy.
GROUP A: Students/Scientists/Engineers (especially from Biomedical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Mechanical, and Physics disciplines):
They will gain a sound understanding of MRI physics and instrumentation, Cryogenics, Superconductivity, Signal Characteristics, Signal Generation and Detection, Image Processing, 3D Modeling from CT/MRI, CAD/CAM of Orthopedic Implants and Clinical challenges. The courses will not only help practicing engineers working in a hospitals to update their knowledge but also those interested in taking up careers in the imaging industry. Scientists will benefit by understanding more on the use of MRI in solving their research problems.
GROUP B: Technicians/ Radiology Residents/ Radiologists
Newly appointed technicians can learn the basics of MRI machine, its applications, maintenance and safety issues. Experienced MRI technicians can enhance their skills and learn more about the instrumentation, general construction of the MRI machine from the cryogenics perspective, and know how to improve the quality of MR Imaging. They will also get to know about the latest advances in spectroscopy, FMRI, and cardiac MRI.
For Radiologist and Radiology Residents this course will help improve the imaging quality as well as save a lot of imaging time. This will also benefit for a better understanding of imaging physics. It is advisable that Radiologists attend the course with their technicians so that they can make the most out of this course.
MRI Application Specialists & Researchers
This course offers an excellent platform for interaction with professional colleagues from other companies, end users and scientists. Such interaction will result in good feedback and ideas for further improvement in instrumentation and imaging techniques.
Course Structure
1. Plenary Lectures.
2. Parallel Sessions.
3. Tutorial/Demo Session.
4. Visits to relevant labs in IIT Bombay campus.
5. Visit to the imaging centre of a leading Mumbai hospital.
Plenary Lectures
The plenary lectures are meant for all participants and will provide an overview of key topics. These topics include: Overview of MRI, MRI Spin Physics, MRI Cryogenics including superconductivity and superconducting Magnets, MRI instrumentation, Basic Imaging Techniques, MRI Clinical, & Advances in Spectroscopy, fMRI, DTI, SWI, 3T.
There will be two parallel sessions, each specially designed for students/scientists/engineers and for technicians and radiologists. MRI Application Specialists & Researchers can choose to attend any lecture from either parallel session.
Parallel Session for Students/Scientists/Engineers
This session includes signal Generation and detection, signal characteristics, Image Reconstruction, 3D Anatomy Modeling from CT/MRI, CAD/CAM of Orthopedic Implants, Advances in MRI Instrumentation and Control systems, Advances in MRI Cryogenics (Cryocoolers), Clinical aspects , both current challenges and future trends. Tutorial session on Image Processing, Visits to Ortho CAD and Cryogenics Labs on IITB campus, and visit to the imaging centre of a leading Mumbai hospital are also included.
Parallel Session for Technicians/Radiologists/Radiology residents
In these sessions, the technical and physics aspects of MRI are made easy for professionals with non-Engineering/Physics background. Topics include MRI physics and MR instrumentation for non-engineers/physicists, Maintenance and Safety, Pulse Sequences, Image Optimization, MR Contrast, MR Angiography, Artifacts and their corrections, MRI for Brain, Orbit, Temporal Lobe, Pituitary, Cardiac, Liver, MRCP, MR Urography, Upper Limb (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist), Brachical Plexus, Breast, Pelvis, Lower Limb (Hip, Knee, Ankle), Spine and SI joints. Lab visits are also included.
Special 2 Day Course (only for Radiologists)
For those Radiologists who are unable to attend the full 5 day course, a special two day course is offered. Topics include pulse sequences, Image Optimization, MR Contrast, Artifacts and their corrections, Advances in Spectroscopy – fMRI, DTI, SWI, 3T, MRI for Brain, Orbit, Temporal Lobe, Pituitary, Cardiac, Liver, MRCP, MR Urography, Upper Limb (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist), Brachical Plexus, Breast, Pelvis, Lower Limb (Hip, Knee, Ankle), Spine and SI joints, etc.
Radiologists can choose to attend either the full 5 day course or the special 2 day course (the registration fees will be same). However, those attending the special 2 day course are not eligible for the IIT Bombay Certificate of Proficiency’.
Click here to download tentative lecture schedule
Attendance and Assessment
Participants are required to attend all lectures in their respective sessions. A mandatory examination for all participants will be conducted at the end of the course. Successful participants will be given ‘Certificate of Proficiency’ by IIT Bombay.
Registration procedure
Cutoff Date for Fee Submission |
Early Registration (Till May 10, 2011)
Late Registration (From May 11 to May 30, 2011)
Students & Technicians | Rs. 5000 | Rs. 5500 |
Radiologists, Professionals, and Others | Rs. 8000 | Rs.10,000 |
Participants |
400 USD | 500 USD |
Last date for registration is MAY 30th , 2011.
Course fees include course materials, working lunch, and tea/coffee.
Participants are required to confirm their registration by sending the completed Registration form, along with the course fees, to the postal address on or before May 9th 2011. Fees must be paid only by a Demand Draft (DD) in favor of Registrar, IIT Bombay (CEP A/c). Students must also enclose a certificate from their College Principal or Head of the Department.
Click here to download the registration form
Limited accommodation is available on request. Please note that accommodation can be reserved only after participants have registered for the course. Since limited accommodation is available, participants needing accommodation should register early for the course and apply for accommodation using the accommodation request form.
* Accommodation details will be displayed soon.
Victor Menezes Convention Centre (VMCC), IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai –76.
postal address
Prof. P. S. V. Nataraj
Room 114 A
CRNTS Building (Old ACRE building)
Behind Central Library
IIT Bombay, Powai
Mumbai, 400 076
Contact: Ms. Nisha George
Mobile: 9869717840
Fax: 022- 25720057
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