Two Days National Conference on Colors of Healthcare- Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century
on 9th &10th July, 2011
at Bangalore
Organized by Max Medisupport Pvt. Ltd.
Aims & Objectives
The healthcare industry is like any other industry: success is identified by how well
an organization manages its resources, how successful that organization is in
meeting the goals it sets, and how the organization compare to its competitors. The
difference between a healthcare organization that represents quality and a
competitor is the bottom line. The bottom line in healthcare is measured by life and
death. Quality healthcare management results in healthier patients
Today everyone wants quality services, whether it’s for auto service, repairs or
Healthcare. Quality health care is a measurement of the health care received at your
doctor or dentist’s office, your local emergency room or during a hospital stay.
Quality goes way beyond the manners or attitude of health care providers. Quality
health care encompasses all aspects of both traditional therapies and protocols to
Human Resources development.
Quality health care can be more exactly described as striving for and reaching
excellent standards of care. It involves assessing the appropriateness of medical tests
and treatments and measures to continually improve personal health care in all
fields of medicine, from the aides that help you eat to the surgeon who removes a
tumor from your brain.
Some of the aspects involved in providing quality health care in any number of
facilities include accrediting or approving physicians, offices, hospitals or other
health care providers. This is achieved through accreditation or inspection
standards that ensure that proper procedures and staffing ratios are met. It also
ensures that medical records are continuously reviewed in order to assess the
effectiveness of treatments or procedures. Improving patient care is the driving force
behind standards and regulations in quality health care, and is now known as
performance improvement.
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