Research Issues and Challenges in Medical Imaging
Medical Imaging is a technique and process used to create images of the human body for clinical purposes or medical procedures seeking to reveal, diagnose or examine diseases which includes the study of anatomy and physiology. The seminar aims to throw open a wide range of problems in the field of medical imaging. This is organized to motivate individuals to pursue research in medical imaging. It also aims to improve the quality of research done in the field of medical imaging by getting ideas from experts in this field. We hope this two day National seminar sponsored by council of scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) New delhi will eventually lead to many research publications which may be used by the physicians for better diagnosis & therapy, thereby ultimately improving the health status of India.
Session Details
Day 1 :21.07.2011 (Thursday)
Session 1: | Dr.K.Bommanna Raja, Principal, Excel college of Engineering for women., Komarapalayam. |
Session 2: | Dr. S. Mohamed Mansoor Roomi, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai. |
Session 3: | Dr.S. Panneerselvam Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai. |
Session 4: | Dr.P.Shanmugavadivu, Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University, Dindigul. |
Day 2 :22.07.2011 (Friday)
Session 1: | Mr.S.Mahesh Anand, VIT University, Chennai Campus. |
Session 2: | Dr.M.Sathish Kanna, Madurai Medical College, Madurai |
Session 3: | Dr.D.Selvathi Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi. |
Session 4: | Certificate Distribution & Valedictory |
Registration Fee:
Rs. 300/- for all U.G., P.G., Research Scholars and Faculty members of various Institutions.
Rs. 500/- for the persons from Industries.
The participants can submit their duly filled-in sponsored application to the coordinators along with the demand draft drawn in favour of “The Principal, PSNA College of Engg. & Tech” payable at Dindigul.
Registration form can be downloaded here
Important Dates:
Last date for receipt of filled in applications: 18th July 2011
Date of intimation to the participants: 19th July 2011
On prior request, accommodation will be arranged in our college hostel at nominal cost.
Location :
The College is located in a serene and greenish campus of 150 acres on the Dindigul-Palani National Highway (NH 209), ten kms from Dindigul town. It is well connected by road and rail. Nearest airports are at Madurai, Tiruchirappali and Coimbatore.
Contact Details
Department of Biomedical Engineering
PSNA College of Engineering & Technology
Dindigul – 624 622
Phone: 0451-2554032 Extn: 632;Mobile: +91 98947-74811