Call for papers
Biomedical image analysis is a fast evolving field driven by the advancement of imaging modalities and high content screening techniques. Many clinical applications are also emerging that use biomedical image processing for decision support. The workshop will bring together researchers in computer vision, medical imaging, computational biology, graphics and robotics communities interested in problems that involve mathematical modeling or analysis in biomedical images, which include emerging molecular and cellular images.
Topics of interests include but are not limited to:
- 2D/3D/4D Registration
- Biomedical Image Databases / Retrieval
- Biomedical Image Motion Analysis
- Biomedical Image Reconstruction Methods
- Classification Methods for Biomedical Data
- Computational Anatomical Atlases
- Diffusion Tensor Image Analysis
- Evaluation Methods for Biomedical Data
- Feature Extraction and Pattern Recognition
- Image / Curve/ Surface/ Volume Registration
- Image Guided Surgery/Therapy
- Innovative Applications
- Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging
- Microarray Image Analysis
- Molecular and Cellular Image Analysis
- Multimodal Analysis
- Multidimensional Data Visualization
- Multidimensional Segmentation
- Real-time algorithms for Biomedical Data Analysis using GPUs
- PDE-based Methods of Image Analysis
- Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers
- Snakes, Splines and Deformable Models
Please follow the submission guidelines described below.
Paper Formatting: The workshop will have 6-page papers with both oral or poster presentations (extra pages will be $100 a page, up to an 8-page maximum). The MMBIA proceedings will be published electronically and indexed in IEEE Xplore.
Please use the CVPR author kit to format the papers.
Please use the CVPR author kit to format the papers.
- The best paper award consists of a certificate and cash prize of $500.
- In conjunction with the rest of the Winter Vision Meetings, a demonstration session will also be held.
Blind review: Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind reviewing process by three program committee members. Authors do not know the names of the reviewers of their papers, and reviewers do not know the names of the authors. Please read the author kit for detailed explanations of how to ensure this in your paper writing.
Supplemental Material: Supplemental material submission is optional. This material may include: videos of results that cannot be included in the main paper, anonymized related submissions to other conferences and journals, and appendices or technical reports containing extended proofs and mathematical derivations that are not essential for understanding of the paper. Contents of the supplemental material should be referred to appropriately in the paper and reviewers are not obliged to look at them. For further details please refer to the author kit.
Simultaneous submissions: Our policy is that in submitting a paper, authors implicitly acknowledge that no paper of substantially similar content has been or will be submitted to another conference or workshop until MMBIA decisions are made.
Important Dates
Paper Submission Due: September 12th, 2011
Paper Decision: October 31st, 2011
Final Camera-Ready Papers Due: December 1st, 2011 Workshop Date: January 9th, 2012