A number of open positions are available for the 3-year PhD program in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Bologna, Italy (www.eng.unibo.it). Candidates should own a MS degree. Start date: January 2012. Salary: 16-22 kEuros before tax.
Some projects:
1. Multiscale mechanical characterization of the human vertebrae.
The objective of this project is to in vitro investigate the mechanical properties of the human thoraco-lumbar vertebrae. The focus will be both on healthy and diseased subjects (mainly osteoporosis). This research falls within a larger EU-funded multidisciplinary project addressing osteoporosis with a multiscale approach (http://www.vphop.eu/). The project will involve: (i) designing dedicated in vitro testing setups; (ii) preparing anatomical specimens; (iii) performing in vitro measurements, including strain measurement with strain gauges and digital image correlation (DIC). A significant part of the project will be carried out in close collaboration with Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli.
Candidates should have a strong background in biomedical and/or mechanical engineering, preferably with some expertise with in vitro mechanical testing and/or experimental stress analysis.
Contact: Prof. Luca Cristofolini, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bologna – email: luca.cristofolini@unibo.it
2. Wearable technologies for an ageing population.
The objective is to investigate fall risk in the elderly and develop novel fall risk models. Major research issues include: 1) biomechanics of ageing; 2) validation of novel measurement paradigms through inertial sensors; 3) multiparametric physiological monitoring of human movement; 4) data mining and classification of dynamic behavioral data; 5) physical activity patterns in health and disease; 6) adaptive control.
Candidates should have a strong background in biomedical and/or information engineering and/or statistics, preferably with some expertise in advanced biomedical signal processing or automatic controls or embedded system design. The work will take place in close collaboration with leading national and international experts, both clinical and technological, in synergy with the activities of the EU-FP7 project FARSEEING: “Fall Repository for the design of Smart and Self-adaptive Environments prolonging Independent living” (2011-2014).
Contact: Prof. Lorenzo Chiari, Department of Electronics, Computer Science & Systems, University of Bologna – email: lorenzo.chiari@unibo.it
3. Improving body function by biofeedback
The objective is to investigate novel paradigms of sensory biofeedback (audio, visual, tactile) and their effects on motor and cognitive behavior. Several research issues may be addressed, including: 1) psycho-physiology of perception; 2) neuro-biomechanics coupling and selection of the optimal target variables; 3) operant conditioning and brain retraining after a lesion or a neurodegenerative disease; 4) biofeedback-based rehabilitation of Parkinson’s Disease; 5) multisensory man-machine interaction paradigms; 6) real-time digital signal processing.
Candidates should have a strong background in biomedical and/or information engineering, preferably with some expertise in advanced biomedical signal processing or automatic controls or embedded system design.
The work will take place in close collaboration with leading national and international experts, both clinical and technological, in synergy with the activities and the resources of the EU-FP7 project CuPiD: “Closed-loop system for personalized and at-home rehabilitation of people with Parkinson’s Disease” (2011-2014).
Contact: Prof. Lorenzo Chiari, Department of Electronics, Computer Science & Systems, University of Bologna – email: lorenzo.chiari@unibo.it