Employer Name: Anna University
Employer Address: The Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai – 600 025
URL: http://www.annauniv.edu
Required Skills: not stated
Required Experience: not stated
Required Education: B.E Biomedical Engineering M.E. / M.Tech with specialization in Biomedical Engineering/ Biomedical Instrumentation/ Nanoelectronics/ Biomaterials
Job Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Across India (View Jobs in Chennai, Jobs in Tamil Nadu, Jobs in Across India
Job Description
Department: Biomedical Engg
Qualifications: B.E Biomedical Engineering M.E. / M.Tech with specialization in Biomedical Engineering/ Biomedical Instrumentation/ Nanoelectronics/ Biomaterials First class in Bachelors and Masters Degree Ph.D is desirable
How to Apply:
Send a copy of the resume to
The Head,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
College of Engineering,
Anna University,
Chennai – 600 025
on or before 4.10.2011 along with xerox copies of degree certificates, experience certificates and 2 photographs. The top left corner of the envelope containing the application should be superscribed with “VF/TF/Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering”.