Job Description
Name of the Project :
To evaluate the clinical efficacy of the functional electrical stimulation (FES) therapy in stroke survivors. (ESS).
a) B. Tech / M. Tech in Electronics & Comm. / Electrical & Instrumentation / Biomedical Engineering with valid GATE / NET score.
a) Knowledge on embedded (microcontrollers) system design, Electrical circuit design and Bio-signal processing. Exposure to Matlab programming is essential.
No. of Post : 01
Compensation : Rs.16,000/-
Coordinator / PI : Dr. Manjunatha M, S.M.S.T.
How to Apply:
Interested eligible persons may apply (quote SRIC Reference on the top of the Application) on plain paper giving full bio-data along with attested copies of testimonials and a demand draft of Rs. 50/- (Not for JRF & female candidates)/-the application fee drawn in favour of IIT Kharagpur payable at Kharagpur on or before 24th October 2011. Applications may be submitted to:
Administrative Officer (Projects),
Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultancy,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur 721 302.