Women Scientists required for the Job by Department of science and technology, Government of India
Call for Online applications for the 7th Batch of Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-C) for One Year Training on IPR
“Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-C)” on IPR, a scheme of Department of Science & Technology, Government of India
for the women scientists is being implemented by Patent Facilitating Centre (PFC) of Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC). The scheme aims to train women scientists having qualifications in science/ engineering/ medicine or allied areas in the area of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and their management for a period of one year and eventually develop a pool of women scientists geared up in creating, protecting and managing intellectual property in India.
Selection & Training Procedure: Selection will be through an all India written examination and interview. Training will include one to two months of intensive orientation programme on IPR at New Delhi. The candidates will be placed as
interns in and around the Coordination Centres at Delhi, Pune, Chennai, and Kharagpur for hands-on-training.
Stipend: Rs.12,500/-p.m. for MSc/ BTech/ MBBS/ BPharma or equivalent and Rs.17,500/-p.m.for PhD/MTech/MD/
MPharma or equivalent.
Eligibility Criteria:
1) Women with Indian Nationality;
2) Should not be more than 50 years of age as on 01.01.2012;
3) Should be familiar with handling computerized databases, information collection, collation & analysis and report
preparation; and
4) Should have atleast Masters of Science/Doctorate in Science or Bachelors/Masters degree in
engineering/technology preferably in the following subject areas:
Chemistry, Chemical Sciences, Drugs, Food & Pharma 30
Computers & Information Technology 25
Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation & Biomedical Engineering 25
Life Sciences & Biotechnology 20
Mechanical, Production & Industrial Engineering 20
How to Apply:
i) Applications should be submitted only through online mode by visiting websites www.dst.gov.in/
www.tifac.org.in / www.pfc.org.in;
ii) Applications received in any other form will not be eligible for consideration;
iii) Please read detailed instructions carefully before applying online.
Note: All candidates who had applied earlier w.r.t Advertisement dated November 20, 2010 w.r.t 7th batch may please
note that those applications are not /no more valid. Who wish to consider their applications for 7th batch shall have to
apply afresh online only.
Last Date for Online Submissions: February 3, 2012
For more information, please visit website www.pfc.org.in
Click here to Apply Online
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