Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) pprovides an excellent opportunity for young and motivated researchers to
pursue a career in basic and applied Life Sciences research. DIPAS endeavors in optimizing human performance under extreme
operational environments using physiological, biochemical, nutritional and ergonomic approach.
The labs are equipped with state?of?art facilities to conduct human studies, animal and in?vitro experimentation with an interdisciplinary approach. Cutting edge technology (Micro?Array facilities, MALDI?TOF, Human Decompression Chamber, CAD, Bio informatics and Nanotechnology) at the
institute encompasses broad interdisciplinary areas?Physiology; Biochemistry; Bio medical Sciences; Biotechnology and Organic
Applications are invited from young and motivated candidates with CSIR?UGC or ICMR fellowships for the post of Junior Research
Fellows to work in ongoing and future research projects at DIPAS.
Minimum qualifications:
M.Sc in Life Sciences (Physiology/ Biochemistry/ Bio Medical Sciences/ Biotechnology) and Organic Chemistry/Biomedical
CSIR-UGC JRF qualified only with fellowship validity upto July 2012.
Ph.D. Programme:
Selected candidates may be registered for PhD programme.
For Junior Research Fellows (JRF) maximum 28 years as on the last date for receipt of application (Relaxable for
SC/ST/OBC as pper govt. rules)
Application procedure:
Eligible candidates can appear for a walk-in-interview at 10:00 hrs on 22 nd February 2012 at DIPAS, Lucknow Road,
Timarpur, Delhi-110054. Travelling allowances (TA) will not be admissible for the interview.
Candidates will be required to produce certificates/testimonials in original at the time of interview.
Admission shall not be claimed by any candidate as a matter of right. The admission shall be entirely at the discretion of the Selection
Committee of the Institute which may refuse to admit any candidate without assigning any reason thereof.
The final selection of the candidate is the discretion and responsibility of the recruiter.
Please contact for any enquiry regarding advertisement at Phone no. 011 23883111 from 1000 – 1700 hr
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