National Brain Research Center : NBRC, Gurgaon Invites application for PhD and Integrated PhD Admissions 2012
Master’s degree or equivalent in any branch of Science such as Life Science / Physics/ Chemistry / Mathematics / Statistics / Computer application / Pharmacy / Veterinary Science/ Psychology
A minimum of four-year bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Engineering / Technology / Medicine.
Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in any branch of Science such as Life Science / Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics / Statistics / Computer applications / Pharmacy / Veterinary Science / Psychology / Engineering / Technology / Medicine.
Candidates appearing for final year of the qualifying examination are also eligible to apply.
On successful completion of the Integrated Ph.D. programme the students will be awarded both an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. Degree.
Only the candidates with a track record of at least 55% (For SC/ST/PH candidates 50%) marks (No rounding off; candidates should mention their percentage calculated up to two decimal points) or equivalent grade from secondary (10th) examination onwards will be considered to be called for the written test
- Only the candidates with a track record of at least 55% (For SC/ST/PH candidates 50%) marks (No rounding off; candidates should mention their percentage calculated up to two decimal points) or equivalent grade from secondary (10th) examination onwards will be considered to be called for the written test. For Example 54.99% will be read as 54.99% only and not as 55%.
- Mere fulfillment of minimum requirement will not entitle a candidate to be called for the interview.
- Only the candidates called for the interview will be paid ordinary sleeper class train fare from the nearest railway station, on production of tickets.
- The written test will consist of 2 sections. Section 1 will have questions on Aptitude and Scientific Awareness. Sections 2 will have questions on the subjects – Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. In section 2, the candidates are required to attempt questions on any 3 subjects. All the questions will be “multiple choice” type. The candidates will have to attempt both the sections and be in the required merit to be considered to be called for the interview. The difficulty level of questions will be at graduate level for Integrated Ph.D. programme and post graduate level for Ph.D. programme.
- The candidates who have qualified for JRF in CSIR/ UGC/ICMR/ICCSR/DBT or any other equivalent national examination will also need to appear for the entrance test.
- Candidates appearing for final year of the qualifying examination will be required to submit the proof of having passed in the examination latest by 15th July, 2012. If selected, their selection will be provisional and subject to production of proof of qualifying in the respective examination with the required cut-off percentage.
- Candidates claiming equivalence to any of the degrees mentioned in this advertisement will have to furnish satisfactory proof from appropriate authority. NBRC reserves the right to accept or reject it. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
- Concessions / Reservation to SC / ST and PH candidates will be as per Government of India / UGC / NBRC policy. Candidates belonging to SC / ST /PH categories are required to submit an attested copy of the certificate in support of their claim for reservation alongwith with the print out of online application form, failing which they will not be permitted to appear for the written test.
- Candidates who are interested to pursue Integrated Ph.D. or Ph.D. programme at NBRC, are required to apply by giving details as per the application form available online and also a declaration to that effect as required there in.
Apply Now
- Send the duly completed Print Version of Online Application Form having Auto Generated Application No. to “Registrar, National Brain Research Centre, Nainwal Mode, NH-8, Manesar – 122 050” so as to reach on or before 13 April 2012. Registration Process will be completed only on receipt of Print Version of Online Application Form alongwith demand draft and self attested copies of the certificates/testimonials in respect of proof of age, qualification, category etc.
- Admit Cards of only those candidates will be uploaded whose application forms alongwith application fee and self attested copies of certificates/testimonials reach the Registrar, National Brain Research Centre, Nainwal Mode, NH-8, Manesar – 122 050 by 13 April 2012 and are found eligible.
- No separate admit card will be issued. Students are required to visit website or on or after 23 April 2012 (1400 hours) to download Admit Card.
- Candidates who are eligible as per the eligibility criteria of NBRC for both Integrated Ph.D. and Ph.D. programmes, if interested, may apply, by filling separate online application forms and by paying requisite fee separately for each programme.