(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Kolkata-32, website: www.cgcri.res.in
Advertisement No.GC/R&A/GAP0614/GD/2012(19)
Applications are invited to engage bonafide Indian citizens for the following posts for working in a project entitled “Structure of Gradient Nanocomposites: Interaction of Bioactive Glasses with Nanoparticles and polymers (MoreBAGS)” (GAP 0614) sponsored by DST, Govt. of India (sanction no. INT/FINLAND/P-11 dated 29/03/2012) to work at CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata. The posts are purely temporary and will be co-terminus with the duration of the project.
Qualifications: B. Tech./B.E. in Ceramic Engg./Biomedical Engg./ Materials Science/ Metallurgical Engg./ Chemical Technology/ M. Sc. in Chemistry (Physical or Inorganic special).
Stipend: Rs.16,000/- + 30% HRA per month for the first 2 years and Rs. 18,000/- + 30% HRA per month for the 3rd year.
Age: Upper Limit is 28 years (relaxable for the statutory groups and women as per rules)
Job requirement: Initially, for the first year, he/she will be involved in literature survey, batch preparation, characterization and fabrication of nano biomaterials and nano bio-composite, subsequently, in the second year, will be engaged for the in vitro trial both in cellular and physiological conditions. This extensive study would be continued in the third year too with further in vitro and mechanical characterization as proposed in the work plan using the optimized/prototype of binary nano bio-composite.
Duration: 3 years or co-terminus with the duration of the project whichever is earlier.
Interested candidates are requested to apply with Application Form & Bio-Data in the prescribed format given in the website along with this Advertisement, duly filled up in all the columns enclosing self attested copies of each supporting documents/certificates. Incomplete applications without prescribed format and supporting documents will be summarily rejected. Separate applications are necessary if the candidate wants to apply for both the positions. The applications should reach this office within 10 days from the date of publication of this Advertisement and the envelope containing the Application must be superscribed the Advt. No. along with name of the Post on the top left corner in Block Letter. The number of vacancies indicated above is provisional and may vary at the time of actual selection. However, CSIR-CGCRI reserves the right not to fill up any/all the posts, if it so desires. In case of large number of applications received for the post(s), the Competent Authority may fix parameters for short listing the candidates. The decision of the Institute shall be
final in this behalf. Interim enquiries in this respect will not be entertained.