PhD Position in Biomedical Engineering

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The University of Iowa’s Virtual Soldier Research (VSR) program,
within the Center for Computer-Aided Design (CCAD), is seeking PhD
candidates in human modeling and simulation area. VSR is a world
renowned multi-disciplinary team, with expertise spanning computer
science, optimization, biomechanics, computational mechanics,
physiology, 3D modeling, and others. VSR has developed a human
simulation environment which continues to grow from cutting edge
research and from user-driven product development. This PhD project
will deal with the development of mathematical models to predict
natural human motions for various tasks. We seek candidates who are
interested in modeling, simulation, and control of large multi-body
dynamic systems.

Preferred Qualifications: BS (or MS) in biomechanics, biomedical
engineering, mechanical engineering, robotics or a related discipline.
Interests in computer programming and optimization are highly
desirable. An ideal candidate should be enthusiastic and highly
motivated with excellent organisational and interpersonal skills.

Admission to the graduate program (Biomedical engineering preferred)
in the College of Engineering is a requirement and students are
encouraged to apply directly on the graduate school website

If you have any questions about this position before or after applying
to the graduate program, please contact Dr. Rajan Bhatt

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