VIT University organizes a two day workshop on Labview for Biomedical Engineers on 22nd and 23rd march 2013, Limited no of seats are available register now
About Workshop
Today, virtual instrumentation has reached mainstream acceptance and is used in thousands of applications in industries from automotive to consumer electronics, Bio-Medical etc.
LabVIEW is a powerful graphical development environment for signal acquisition, measurement analysis, and data presentation, giving the flexibility of a programming language without the complexity of traditional development tools. It is an Enabling industry leading software tool
Topics Covered
? Introduction to LabVIEW
? Modular Programming
? Designing Attractive front Panel
? Data Management Techniques
? Controlling the User Interface
? LabVIEW programming architecture
? Creating and distributing Applications
? Introduction to NI Hardware’s
? Data acquisition Techniques
? Sensor Interfacing
? Signal Conditioning Techniques
? Signal Generation Techniques
? Data Analysis Techniques
? Bio Signal Filtering concepts
? Image Acquisition & Processing Techniques
Applications and Demonstrations Covered
? Two way Teleconsultation system
? Voice Controlled Wheel chair
? Remote ICU Room Entry Monitoring System
? Intelligent Shoes to detect the walking style of the person
? Patient Tablet Informing system
? Tablet Fault Identification System
? Person Falling Detection
? Heart Rate Monitoring System
? Blood Pressure Monitoring System
? Urine Sugar Monitoring System
? Identification of Abnormal QRS axis in the ECG Measurement
? Constant Temperature Bath
Targeted participants include:
? Research Scholars
? Students
? Working Professionals
Rs. 4000 per delegate for working professional (Research Scholar/Faculty)
Rs. 2000 per delegate from Institute (Student)
Rs. 1600 for IEEE EMBS member
Payment through DD drawn in favor of “TIFAC CORE, VIT University”, Payable at Vellore.
Registration charges include Hand-outs, Lunch & Snacks. The number of participants is limited to
30 based on first come first serve.
Dr. K. Ganesan, Director, TIFAC CORE & Senior Professor, SITE
Dr. E. R. Rajkumar, Associate Professor, SBST, VIT
Ms. D. Shalini, Senior Development Engineer,TIFAC CORE
Mr. R. Silambarasan, Development Engineer, TIFAC CORE
Student Coordinator
Sreejita, Student, SBST, VIT
Download the Application form and Information Brochure
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