Respected Prime minister,
- I am Avinash Vemula, Biomedical Engineer working for Novartis Healthcare ,India.
- We are so much inspired by the decisions you are taking for the progress of the country. We are blessed to have a leader like you sir for the developing India.
- I want to bring to your kind notice about the happenings of biomedical engineers and their career in India.
- First I wanted to tell you the importance of biomedical engineering in India, we biomedical engineers will be equipped with the knowledge of medical subjects and electronics to cater the needs doctors, hospitals, health care professionals to make them understand the functioning of the medical equipment’s, safety standards, protocols and the best possible treatment possible from the technology.
- There is a lot of gap in using the benefits of technically sound qualified biomedical engineers in India. Government is investing crores of rupees every year in purchasing the medical equipment’s from abroad but the sad part is there is no technically qualified staff present to take care of the equipment in most of the places and as doctors are busy in their clinical work, there are not able to focus on utilizing the technology to the best. Only people who have completed diploma in electronics or instrumentation were being employed in the hospitals, they are just servicing the equipment’s and there is no value addition happening as they lack clinical skills in order to interact with doctors.
- Technically qualified biomedical engineers are now frustrated as they are not getting job opportunities in india,so they are changing their domain and moving to other sectors like Information technology.
- If every government hospital employs a qualified biomedical engineer then all the equipment’s will be properly utilized and the patients will get best out of the technology. Because of the technology not being used patients have to spend huge amounts of money for basic diagnosis at private hospitals and diagnostic centers.
- Sir please give us an opportunity to present about the industry to the health ministry so that our field can serve for the citizens of the country.
- Sir if a best in class biomedical institute is set up with a prestigious institute like AIIMS. Country can produce best in class qualified biomedical engineers to serve the medical industry needs.
- Its very sad to inform u sir most of the colleges who are offering biomedical engineering as a engineering discipline are now withdrawing the course as they are not able to provide career opportunities to the biomedical engineers.
- Please consider the request and give us an opportunity to save our field of engineering and serve the country.