Quality and Cost Optimization
“Innovations in Healthcare Management: Quality and Cost Optimization” is a two days international conference planned for 4-5th of February 2016 in PHD House, New Delhi.
The conference is first of its kind to bring various stakeholders linked to the health sector under one roof to discuss, share and implement innovations in health sector from world over.
The conference covers various aspects of Innovation in healthcare delivery by use of technology and tools like lean and evidence based hospital planning and operations. The conference will be hosted by InnovatioCuris (IC) with the help of collaborators/sponsors.
Theme of the conference
Innovations in Healthcare: Quality and Cost Optimisation
Innovations in healthcare is a sought after topic today for the thought leaders in health sector anywhere in the world. Different parts of the world are struggling with different issues in managing their health sector and everyone is seeking innovations for their problems to reduce cost. The first conference of IC builds on a successful international effort of a book published by the same name in early 2015.
For further details about the book, please refer the online link: Amazon Store Link
The book already has created a framework for successful innovations in health sector to be documented and reviewed. The conference builds on the top of the book to discuss the innovations that can be replicated, scout new innovators/innovations,further document and share the discussion on innovations for benefit of the health sector.
The conference plans to cover the innovations from public health, global innovations relevant to India health sector and Indian innovations in health sector relevant to the world during the first day. The second day assembles the decision makers from various domains to plan for next steps and the also recognition of innovations submitted by young innovators.
For more details