M.Tech Biomedical Image Processing JRF Job in SCTIMST
Recruitment for the post of Junior Research Fellow in Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Thiruvananthapuram Dated: 19.06.2012
Walk-in-Interview for the following post:
Post: Junior Research Fellow
No. of Post: One
Salary: Rs. 16,000 + 15% HRA per month
Essential Qualification: MTech in Computer Science / Electronics / Electrical / Instrumentation / Biomedical Engineering.
Desirable: Experience in Image Processing in the field of Neuroscience.
Date & Time of Interview: 11.00 a.m., Wednesday, 04 July 2012.
Venue: Mini Conference Hall, 3rd Floor, AMCHSS, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Medical College Campus, Trivandrum