Category Archives: BIOMEDICAL

Microscopic gyroscopes-the key for motion sensing

Microscopic gyroscopes, the key for motion sensing

( — Tiny devices made possible by combining the latest advances in mechanical and electronics technology could be at the heart of next-generation personal navigation and vehicle stabilisation tools thanks to European researchers.

What Is Clinical Informatics?

Clinical informatics is a method of organizing information in the health care industry. It blends information technology, computer science and biomedical informatics. Clinical informatics is a field that is constantly striving to make information more accessible in the simplest way. It involves storing, managing and accessing important health records.

Clinical informatics uses technology and computers to store data at an institution such as a hospital, doctor’s office or other health care facility. Since there are so many papers and files to process at any medical setting, an efficient system for keeping track of it all is required. Medical informatics becomes a way to organize and process the information. Examples of information stored in health informatics include disease research, patient backgrounds, statistics and treatment plans.

What Does a Biomedical Equipment Technician Do?

A biomedical equipment technician has three areas of responsibility: maintaining the equipment, completing equipment related orders, and teaching. A biomedical equipment technician can be found in a wide range of hospitals, medical centers, and diagnostic clinics. Typically, a biomedical equipment technician has a dedicated workspace, where all the portable equipment is stored. He or she has a specially designed workbench and the tools available to make required repairs.

In order to become a biomedical equipment technician, post-secondary education is required. Most technicians have completed a two- or three-year program from a community or career college. The primary focus of this program is on the calibration, set up, installation, and repair of specialized biomedical equipment.

Nanosensors Can Scan Blood for Cancer Biomarkers-This has been achieved in whole blood for the first time

A team of experts at the Yale University has recently announced that it has developed a new series of nanosensors, a class of devices that is able to analyze whole blood samples, and detect the presence of cancer biomarkers in them. The latter are chemical agents that tumors and cancer cells produce, and their existence in the body can only mean one thing. The amazing achievement could soon enable physicians to cut the cancer-detection process short, leaving more time for the actual treatments.


Scientists from University of Strathclyde have devised a novel way to harness natural vitamin E extract that would kill tumours within 10 days.

Using a new delivery system, the research team could mobilise an extract from Vitamin E, known ton have anti-cancer properties, to attack cancerous cells.

In the study conducted over skin cancer, the researchers found that tumours started to shrink within 24 hours and almost vanished in ten days.

They believe the tumours might have been completely destroyed if the tests had continued for longer.

When the tumours regrew, they did so at a far slower rate than previously.



The Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) In association with Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) of Department of Science and Technology (DST) announced the Indo-US Research Fellowships.This is an effort to augment scientific excellence in ernerging areas of science and technology, The objective of the fellowship is to enable young researchers from India to carry out research in frontier areas of science and technology at a premier institution in USA. The fellowship will enable early and mid career Indian researchers to acquaint themselves with new scientific research methods and at the same time build strong oilaborative linkages between the scientific communities of US and India.