Healthcare Technology Innovation Centre (HTIC) is starting a one year innovation fellowship programme (January 2013 – December 2013) aimed at creating innovators and innovations in healthcare technology to address growing healthcare needs of India. The fellowship programme is designed for interested candidates holding degrees in engineering, medicine, and business administration, both fresh graduates and ones with work experience.
The one-year fellowship programme consists of three phases. In the first phase, fellows will undergo hospital placement to get familiarised with clinical processes and to identify unmet clinical needs. In the second phase, fellows will design and develop a solution for the clinical need identified in the first phase. In the third and final phase, fellows will validate the developed solution and prepare a plan for its field deployment. Fellows will work in a team of two or three.
The three national Science Academies offer several two-month Summer Fellowships to enable students/teachers (studying/teaching in India) to work with scientists associated with the three Academies during 2013. A list of names of scientists/faculty who have consented to guide students/teachers to work on short-term projects is displayed online.
Columbia Asia has developed a unique model for hospitals. We deliver advanced medical care through facilities located in neighborhoods, rather than the central city. With sophisticated hospitals based in their communities, patients have dramatically improved access to quality affordable care