1. Introduction to Medical Electronics
Lecture notes 1a
what are medical devices
some characteristics of medical electronics
Lecture notes 1b
electromagnetic compatibility and interference
noise: internal and external
noise coupling model: capacitive through stray capacitance and inductive through mutual inductance
H. Ott: Noise reduction techniques in electronic systems. Chapter 1.Introduction
2. Coupling mechanisms of external noise
Lecture notes 2a
coupling through fields
coupling conductively
other mechanisms
Lecture notes 2b
example: noise factors in the recording of the ECG
P.J. Fish: Electronic Noise and Low Noise design: Chapter 3. Noise Connected with Layout or Construction
Webster: Medical Instrumentaion. Chapter 6. Biopotential amplifiers
3. Biopotential electrodes
Lecture notes 3
electrochemical basis of electrodes
equivalent circuit
electrode-skin interface
electrode noise
4. Cabling and grounding
Lecture notes 4a
effect of shielded cables on capacitive coupling
effect of shielded cables on inductive coupling
Lecture notes 4b
grounding principles
ground loops
5. Intrinsic noise sources
Lecture notes 5
thermal noise
shot noise
flicker noise
6. Active device noise
Lecture notes 6
noise factor
noise voltage and current model
equivalent input noise voltage
signal-to-noise ratio
7. Amplifiers, opamps, parameters
8. Amplifier noise, special issues related to the biopotential amplifier, isolation
9. Patient safety
10. Bioimpedance
11. Holter recording, Pacemakers
12. Sleep recording technologies – Lecturer: Atte Joutsen
Lecture notes
-sleep recordings in Tampere University Hospital
-sensors, recorders, software