Here s another example of technological excellence for a social cause- a smartphone for visual impaired persons and that too invented by an Indian.
It is no more just taking calls and answering them but whole lot of functions including the one that enable the blinds to read and send the texts based on Braille system developed long time back. But its digital version is something that can revolutionize this pattern.
The device developed by Sumit Dagar whose company located in IIM Ahmedabad campus has a touch screen which can elevate and depress the contents allowing such persons to read and send texts.
This is a preview of SmartPhone Based Braille for Visually Impaired People.
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The Metro Dot is a bracelet type transportation card in Braille for the visually impaired. It relays information like your subway station and how many more stations to go before your stop arrives. The bracelet transmits vibrations to let the user know when to get off the train. The interface uses EAP (Electro Active Polymer) to make a 3 dimensional pattern with electronic signals. The electronic signals are sent to the surface raising the constant magnet to make a Braille pattern on the silicon rubber surface. Through this technical method, information such as the subway destination and how many stops are left can be alerted.