Texas Instruments India Analog Design Contest 2011
Website – www.uniti.in/analog-design-contest
Please visit www.tinyurl.com/tii-adc2011 Create an account for yourself and submit an online proposal.
Submissions will be enabled during April 20, 2011 – May 15, 2011
With a view to encourage analog system design at undergraduate level, Texas Instruments announces the Analog Design Contest for Indian Universities for the year 2011. Up to 50 universities will be selected from India for participation in the contest, which will take place in two phases. In the first phase, teams from within each university/ college compete for a $500 prize (to be split among team members). The winning team from each university/ college will then be entered in the second phase, called the Engibous Prize Contest. This contest has a first-place prize of $10,000 second place $5,000 and third place $2,500 to be split among members of winning teams.