Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT Bombay with its students council Symbiotek is hosting its annual technical event
GeneRations2013 on 16th and 17th February 2013. The theme this time is ReGenerations, Life Bounces Back.
GeneRations 2013 is a national level inter-collegiate competition aiming to provide a platform for exploring innovative and creative ideas. It encourages students towards a great career in the field of BioSciences and BioEngineering.
The event consists of various events including Quiz, Robiotics, InoVista, Tresure Hunt and many more, followed by Technical Symposium on day 2.
This is a preview of Generations 2013: National level Biomedical TechFest @ IIT Bombay.
Read the full post (483 words, 2 images, estimated 1:56 mins reading time)
About The Awards:
The number of interns will be restricted to the number of projects available. The selected interns are required to work full time for four to six months on the project and will be given a fixed stipend of Rs. 10,000/- per month. Accommodation may be provided subject to availability.
Kindly visit the “How To Apply” page for applying.
Click on the following link: for submitting application form
Important Dates:
Task |
Timeline |
Last Date for submission of Application form |
October 5, 2012 |
Tentative Dates for Interview |
October 29, 2012- November 9, 2012 |

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Procedure for doing Project work in IIT Bombay
(Applicable only to Indian nationals studying in India. Foreign nationals as well as Indian nationals studying abroad, should refer to the admission procedure provided at: )
1. The student himself/herself has to find a Supervisor in IIT Bombay according to his/her stream
and the Supervisor’s consent to supervise his/her project work is to be sought.
2. After the Supervisor agrees to supervise his/her project work, he/she can get the form from the
Academic Office/download from the IIT Website. (
3. The duly filled application form signed by the student, Principal/Director of the College, Guide
& Head of the Department, IIT Bombay is to be submitted to the Academic Office alongwith
the recommendation letter from his/her College Principal/Director and two recent photographs.
4. On receipt of the form, his/her request will be processed further for obtaining approval of the
Competent Authority. After approval, he/she will be informed to make appropriate payment to
the Cash Section, IIT Bombay at the rates given below :
i) Summer training (8 weeks) Rs. 6,000/
This is a preview of How to Apply for Summer Training/ Project work in IIT,Bombay.
Read the full post (368 words, 2 images, estimated 1:28 mins reading time)