Tag Archives: Imperial College London

Job Offer + Ph.D in Brain Computer Interface & Robotics

Early Stage Researcher (PhD fellowship)
Brain Machine Interfaces for Motor Neurorehabilitation using Robotics

From € 35.000 per annum (3 years)
Applications are invited for the above -post- position to work with Prof. Javier Minguez on a Marie Curie Initial Training Network funded project in Neural Engineering to underpin work at BitBrain Technologies (spin-off company of the University of Zaragoza) on the Brain Machine Interfaces for Motor Neurorehabilitation using Robotics. The successful candidate will register for a 3 year PhD in the Biomedical Engineering School of the University of Zaragoza.

Interdisciplinary PhD Admission in Brain Machine Interfacing

Early Stage Researcher (PhD fellowship)*

*Brain Machine Interfaces for Motor Neurorehabilitation via Robotics*

From € 35.000 per annum (3 years)**

* *

Applications are invited for the above post to work with Prof. Javier
Minguez on a Marie Curie Initial Training Network funded project in Neural
Engineering to underpin work at Bit&Brain Technologies (spin-off company of
the University of Zaragoza) on the Brain Machine Interfaces for Motor
Neurorehabilitation using Robotics. The successful candidate will register
for a 3 year PhD in the Biomedical Engineering School of the University of

Smart knife to modify surgery

Conventional electrosurgery (Image: Imre Türös/University of Debrecen)

The  smell of burnt flesh rises in the operating theatre and the smoke from vaporised tissue is sucked away. But these fumes are diverted into a machine that tells the surgeon exactly what is being cut into, guiding the rest of the operation. This is “smart surgery“, and it holds the potential to transform medicine. This is the first NMR spectrometer in the world which does the work of a histologist.who identifies the tissue being cut/taken out.

The process tends to take about 40 minutes, and is subject to human error and variability. To standardise and speed up tissue identification, Jeremy Nicholson and his colleagues at Imperial College London have brought nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy – a chemistry-lab staple – into St Mary’s Hospital in London.

Phd in Micro-electronics with Application in Biomedical Engineering

Imperial College London
Image via Wikipedia

Applications are invited for a semiconductor industry funded studentship, to be filled by April 2011. This role will be based at the Centre for Bio-Inspired Technology within the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and will use state-of-the-art facilities at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering. This is a truly interdisciplinary environment with laboratories for microelectronics, EDA CAD, and sensor characterisation, cleanrooms, anechoic chambers, prototyping workshops, biochemistry, bionanotechnology genetics, etc.

The outline of the project is presented below: