Karunya University imparts holistic education with a balanced blend of academic excellence, personality development, values and humanism. It has excellent infrastructure and resources on its fully residential, co-educational campus of 700 acres at the foot of the Siruvani hills. The present strength of the student body is 7340.
Application are Invited for PG Admission 2011
Application form and prospectus can be obtained from the Admissions Officer, Karunya University, Coimbatore – 641 114, Tamil Nadu, India by sending a crossed DD drawn in favour of ‘THE REGISTRAR, KARUNYA UNIVERSITY‘ payable at COIMBATORE (or) can be obtained in person at Jesus Calls Centres and designated branches of Axis / TMB / Syndicate Bank / Central Bank of India / KVB.
This is a preview of [M.Tech Admissions] Biomedical Instrumentation in Karunya University, TamilNadu.
Read the full post (253 words, 1 image, estimated 1:01 mins reading time)
DCRUST Murthal invites applications for admisssion in M.Tech Biomedical Engineering. This is the first college in Haryana Offering M.tech in Biomedical Engineering. *(brought to you by www.biomedikal.in)
Applications for admission to the following post graduate programmes are invited for the academic session 2011-12.

The University Prospectus containing application form and other details are available at reception-cum-Enquiry Office (Administrative Block) on payment of Rs.600/ -(Rs.150/-in case of SC/BC candidates of Haryana). The same can be obtained by post upto 6.06.2011 by sendingDemandDraft of Rs.650/ –(Rs.200/- in case of SC/BC candidates of Haryana)in favour of Registrar, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology, Murthal payable at SBI, Sonepat.
This is a preview of [M.Tech Admissions] Biomedical Engineering in DCRUST, Murthal, Haryana.
Read the full post (303 words, 1 image, estimated 1:13 mins reading time)