Tag Archives: Master of Science

MS in Biomedical Engineering at CMC Vellore [ Best Program]

The Bioengineering program at CMC-Vellore is unique in India in offering Postgraduate engineering education in a medical institution. It imparts training in engineering analysis, design and prototyping within a multi- faceted medical institution. Its aim is to bring some of the best global practices in interdisciplinary biomedical engineering R&D to address healthcare problems inIndia.
Bioengineering at CMC
Bioengineering Involves basic science and applied research in medical instrumentation, prostheses, mathematical analysis of physiological processes, biomechanics of musculoskeletal
systems, rehabilitation engineering etc. Bioengineering has engineering at its core, and includes the disciplines of physics, mechanics, electronics, and computational methods applied to
physiology and medicine.
The Department
The Bioengineering department at CMC-Vellore works closely with several other departments in CMC and significant work has been in Physiological Measurements, Prostheses and Assistive Devices, Electrodiagnostics, Neuorehabilitation technology etc. The department has electronics and mechanical fabrication and testing labs as well as embedded and GUI software development facilities. Devices developed in the department are in use in clinical departments and research labs in CMC and other institutions. The Bioengineering department at
CMC is a participant in a three institution M.Tech. (Clinical Engineering) and Ph.D. (Medical Devices) initiative, jointly run by IIT-Madras, SCTIMST-Trivandrum and CMC-Vellore. The
admissions for those programmes are advertised separately.

Biomedical Studentship in Tripura University

Job Type : Full Time

Hiring Process : Walk – In

Tripura University – Job Details

Tripura University

Advt.No: TU/DBT/SBT-HUB/09/11

Tripura University, conducts Walk In Interview for the Studentship/ Traineeship in State Biotech Hub

Project Title : “Establishment of State Biotech Hub”

Name of the Post Qualification No. of the Post Age Limit
1 Student M.Sc. degree in Biological Sciences / Biomedical Sciences. 05 25 Yrs
2 Traineeship Candidates having M.Sc. degree in Biological / Chemical/ Agricultural / Veterinary Sciences / Biomedical Sciences 05 32 Yrs

Emolument : Rs.5,000/-

Biomedical JRF Job in CGCRI, Kolkata

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Senior Project Fellow
CGCRI – Kolkata, West Bengal
Advt.No. GC/R&A/ESC 0103/JC/2013(54)


Central Galss & Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI), inviting application for the post of Senior Project Fellow
Project entitled : ?Development of novel CSIR technologies for manufacturing tailored and patient specific bio-ceramic implants and bio-medical devices at affordable cost (BIOCERM)?,


Fresher Biomedical JRF Job in CGCRI, Kolkata

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Kolkata-32, website: www.cgcri.res.in
Advertisement No.GC/R&A/CSC0101/SR/2013(55)


Applications are invited for engagement of bonafide Indian citizens for TWO positions of Project Fellow for  working in a project entitled “Multifunctional Electrodes and Electrolytes for Futuristic Electrochemical  Technologies (MULTIFUN)”, tenable at CGCRI, Kolkata.


Essential  Qualifications: M.Sc. in Nanotechnology or M.Sc. in Physical/Inorganic Chemistry or Physics with minimum 55% marks (NET qualified preferred)


Applications for PhD in Biosciences and Bioengineering in IIT Indore

IIT Indore Logo

IIT Indore Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore invites applications for admission to full time regular  Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D) programme commencing in the session 2013-14.


Ph.d in Bioscience & Bioengineering



  • The Candidates should have a Master’s degree in relevant discipline with 60% of marks from a recognized university to apply for Ph.D programme.
  • The Candidates should have a Bachelor’s degree in relevant discipline with 60% of marks from a recognized university to apply for M.Sc and M.Sc + Ph.D programme.

Biomedical JRF Jobs in NHHD, Anna University, Chennai

Anna University Logo

Anna University Logo (Photo credit: balajijegan)

The National Hub for Healthcare Instrumentation Development (NHHID) , inviting application for the post of Project Scientist/ Project Associate

Post Name  Qualification  No of Post Pay Scale
1 Project Scientist – IV B.E/ B.Tech in E&I/ Instrumentation & Control /ECE and M.E/M.Tech in Instrumentation Engineering  (Or)  M.Sc in Physics. Desirable: Ph.D in Electronics/Instrumentation Engineering.  Ph.D in Physics with specialization in instrumentation. Experience in development and calibration of medical devices or other instruments. Publication in peer reviewed journals with impact factor Rs.33200