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NATIONAL BRAIN RESEARCH CENTRE (NBRC), Manesar-122 050, Gurgaon, requires a “R&D Engineer” in projects of Department of Information Technology and Department of Biotechnology, at NBRC
Interested candidates fulfilling the following requirement can submit their bio-data alongwith attested copies of certificates in support of their qualifications and experience mentioned in the bio-data latest by 14th July 2011 to “The Registrar, National Brain Research Centre, Manesar-122 050, Distt. Gurgaon (Haryana)
Name of Post : R&D Engineer
Essential qualification : M.Tech (Electrical / Electonic / Computer Science) or
(Ph.D. in Physical Science / Mathematics)
Mode of appointment : In a project with a fellowship of ` 25,000/- (consolidated) p.m.
Project Investigator : Dr. Pravat Mandal
For academic questions, send email : pravat.nbrc@gmail.com
Tenure : The tenure will be for a period of one year initially and extendable on
performance review. The post is co-terminus with the project.
This is a preview of Image & Signal Processing R&D Engineer Required in NBRC.
Read the full post (254 words, 2 images, estimated 1:01 mins reading time)
Applications are invited for a PhD position in the Biological Psychology Lab in the Department of Psychology at the University of Oldenburg, Germany (Prof. Christiane Thiel, Dr. Carsten Gießing). The department has a new research focus in cognitive neuroscience, and is one of the best equipped psychology departments in the country (3T MRI, EEG, TMS, eyetracking, NIRS and an MEG machine from the end of 2011).
The Marie Curie PhD fellowship, Philips research, Netherlands is part of the project iCareNet (Intelligent ContextAware Systems for Healthcare, Wellness, and Assisted Living), a Marie Curie project within the Peo ple Programme of the 7th Framework of the European Commission.
With more than 20 partners and associated partners, the iCareNet project will conceive context aware solutions, leveraged through an interdisciplinary perspective ranging from sensing and sensor integration, to human-computer interaction and social factors involved in the deployment of context-aware applications. The open position is with Philips Research in Eindhoven but two secondments for three months are foreseen at one or two other iCareNet clinical/university partners.
This is a preview of Marie Curie PhD Fellowship in Biomedical Engineering @ Philips Research.
Read the full post (338 words, 1 image, estimated 1:21 mins reading time)
AmritaCenter for Nanosciences (ACNS), one of the premier research institutes inNanosciences and technology is currently looking for a Ph.D. candidate in itsNanosolar Division (Center For Excellence).
The candidate will work withincreasing skills in developing state of the art technologies in Photovoltaicand energy storage devices. Applicants should have an M.Sc/Mtech degree withfirst class / distinction in either ofthese disciplines Physics/Chemistry /Materials Science. The proposed start dateis Feb 1, 2011.
The stipend will beprovided as per the UGC norms. Candidates are encouraged to send their CVs byemail with subject line: “PhD 2011 Nano Solar” to “researchsecretary@aims.amrita.edu”.Alternatively they can post their CVs to the following address: