PhD in Biomedical Instrumentation @ CSIO, Chandigarh

Central Scientific Instruments Organization (CSIO) invites applications for full-time Research Programme (PhD) in Science/ Engineering
Areas of research: Agrionics, Biomedical Instrumentation, Computational Instrumentation, Mechanical Systems, Nano Bio Photonics, Photonics, Optical Instrumentation
Fellowships: Candidates selected for the PhD Program at CSIR-CSIO shall draw their fellowship and other allowances, contingency etc., as per their own qualified scheme. In addition, we may also offer limited fellowships under projects.
Selection: Selection for admission to the Ph.D. Programme shall be on the basis of the interview (s) of short listed candidates at CSIR-CSIO. The
interview(s) for selection are likely to be conducted from June 13-July 13, 2012 at CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh. Mere fulfillment of the minimum requirements stipulated in the notification would not automatically entitle a person for selection. The decision of the Institute in this regard shall be final.