Tag Archives: Thesis
PhD in Biomedical Instrumentation @ CSIO, Chandigarh

Central Scientific Instruments Organization (CSIO) invites applications for full-time Research Programme (PhD) in Science/ Engineering
Areas of research: Agrionics, Biomedical Instrumentation, Computational Instrumentation, Mechanical Systems, Nano Bio Photonics, Photonics, Optical Instrumentation
Fellowships: Candidates selected for the PhD Program at CSIR-CSIO shall draw their fellowship and other allowances, contingency etc., as per their own qualified scheme. In addition, we may also offer limited fellowships under projects.
Selection: Selection for admission to the Ph.D. Programme shall be on the basis of the interview (s) of short listed candidates at CSIR-CSIO. The
interview(s) for selection are likely to be conducted from June 13-July 13, 2012 at CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh. Mere fulfillment of the minimum requirements stipulated in the notification would not automatically entitle a person for selection. The decision of the Institute in this regard shall be final.
Top 9 Mistakes students do while writing their final year project thesis
A large part of any final year thesis project is the write-up, but every stage of the project will involve some form of writing. Whether you are writing a proposal, an interim report, a draft report, documentation or the final thesis, a very large part of your time will be spent composing text. These are the top 9 mistakes we see from students year on year, avoid them and you can save yourself a lot of time (and earn a lot of marks)…
1. Unsubstantiated claims
How to Read Long & Boring Research Papers easily?
We often find that if students haven’t done much of this sort of reading before their get to their final year getting started can be a bit of a shock. So, this post is designed to help you get started with academic literature and, just as importantly, to help you get the most out of the papers you read in the short space of time you have available (and it is a short space of time, believe me).
Remember the structure of a paper is just like the structure of your thesis
Instructions for writing the Literature Review of your Final year project
How to write a literature review for your final year thesis project
- How many papers should I read?
- How long should the literature review be?
- Should I read books, articles, or …?
- Is it OK to reference websites such as Wikipedia?
Research update on Impedance Tomography in Biomedical imaging

A thesis on the use of electrical impedance tomography (EIT) for noninvasive patient monitoring argues for the development of an EIT device suitable for large-scale commercialisation. Completed by Pascal Olivier Gaggero at the Swiss private research centre CSEM and University of Neuchâtel, the thesis reportedly represents a significant step forward in the clinical use of EIT.