See how a fluoroscope works and find information about electromagnetic radiation and CAT scans. Provided by Physics2000 through Colorado educational systems.
An activity complete with information about x-rays, the images needed for completing the assignment, and questions for students.
Methodist Health Care System’s page contains an explanation of what x-rays are and how they are performed. The page also provides links to many x-ray related topics.
Clinical informatics is a method of organizing information in the health care industry. It blends information technology, computer science and biomedical informatics. Clinical informatics is a field that is constantly striving to make information more accessible in the simplest way. It involves storing, managing and accessing important health records.
Clinical informatics uses technology and computers to store data at an institution such as a hospital, doctor’s office or other health care facility. Since there are so many papers and files to process at any medical setting, an efficient system for keeping track of it all is required. Medical informatics becomes a way to organize and process the information. Examples of information stored in health informatics include disease research, patient backgrounds, statistics and treatment plans.