Aim of Course
The course should provide knowledge about the physical properties of light and its impact and interaction with biological tissue.
Course Content
Optical properties of biological tissue. Light transport in tissue. Therapeutic window. Light transport models. Measurement of tissue optical properties. Optical coherence tomography, multi-photon excitation, flourescens, etc.
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Course Content
Why Use Optical Methods?
Why Should You Learn Biomedical Optics?
Fundamentals of Optics
Overview of Spectroscopy
Classical Description of Light
Light-Tissue Interaction |
This is a preview of Topic Wise Video Lecture Notes on Biomedical Photonics.
Read the full post (398 words, 15 images, estimated 1:36 mins reading time)
About The Materials
The course provides a general view of bioelectromagnetism and describes it as an independent discipline. It begins with an historical account of the many innovations and innovators on whose work the field rests. This is accompanied by a discussion of both the theories and experiments which were contributed to the development of the field. The physiological origin of bioelectric and biomagnetic signal is discussed in detail. The sensitivity in a given measurement situation, the energy distribution in stimulation with the same electrodes, and the measurement of impedance are related and described by the electrode lead field. It is shown that, based on the reciprocity theorem, these are identical and further, that these procedures apply equally well for biomagnetic considerations. The difference between corresponding bioelectric and biomagnetic methods is discussed. It is also shown, that all subfields of bioelectromagnetism obey the same basic laws and they are closely tied together through the principle of reciprocity. Thus the book course helps to understand the properties of existing bioelectric and biomagnetic measurements and stimulation methods and to design new systems.

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To enable purchasers to compare commercially available instruments and evaluate new instrument designs, quantitative criteria for the performance of instruments are needed. These criteria must clearly specify how well an instrument measures the desired input and how much the output depends on interfering and modifying inputs. Characteristics of instrument performance are usually subdivided into two classes on the basis of the frequency of the input signals.
Static characteristics describe the performance of instruments for dc or very low frequency inputs. The properties of the output for a wide range of constant inputs demonstrate the quality of the measurement, including nonlinear and statistical effects. Some sensors and instruments, such as piezoelectric devices, respond only to time-varying inputs and have no static characteristics.
The body produces various physiological signals. The accessibility to these signals is important because
(1) they can be internal (blood pressure)
(2) they may emanate from the body (infrared radiation)
(3) they may be derived from a tissue sample (blood or tissue biopsy)
All physiological signals can be grouped into the following categories –
(2) pressure
(3) flow
(4)dimensions( for example : imaging)
(5)displacement (such as velocity, force, andacceleration)
(6) impedence
(7) temperature
(8) chemical concentration and composition.
Some times, it become essential to monitor physiological events from a distant place.
Some of such situations are:
(a) Monitoring of astronauts during flight.
(b) Monitoring of patients in ambulance while transit to hospital.
(c) Monitoring of patients while obtaining their exercise electrocardiogram.
(d) Monitoring of patients who are permitted to stay away from the hospital.
(e) Monitoring of animals in their natural habitat.
(f) Transmission of ECG or other medical information through telephone links
(g) Isolating the patients from electricity operated measuring equipment such as ECG equipment inorder to prevent any accidental shock to them.