Tag Archives: Engineering

Techstar-2009 – National Level Technical Paper Presentation Contest (date extended till 31st january 2010)


The purpose of the Paper Presentation Contest is to encourage students to experience the Research in the topics given for the contest and to give them an opportunity to participate and let them have exposure to the industry experts and fellow contestants.This activity helps the contestants to boost their confidence which may help in lot of other areas.

Participation Criteria: There is no registration fee for participation This contest is open for all engineering, science and management students in India viz., BE / B Tech, M Tech, MCA , MSc and MBA .


Here are several web sites available to those searching for a job in the exciting field of biomedical engineering.

Minnesota has long been known to host numerous biomedical companies as is indicated by the University of Minnesota listing of more than 1200 biomedical engineering-related industries in Minnesota. Click here to see their MBBNet Industry database.

If your biomedical engineering job interest includes working anywhere in the U.S., you should look at the web site of Biomedical Engineering Network (BMEnet)