Post-doctoral position, Paris: neural monitoring of visceral inputs and emotions

      A post-doctoral position is open to study the link between emotions and the neural monitoring of visceral inputs. This project is part of a broader ERC project testing thehypothesis that the neural monitoring of visceral inputs (heart, stomach) generates a subject-centered reference frame, from which first-person perspective can develop, in perception, cognition and emotion.

    Motivated candidates with an excellent academic record in affective neuroscience and good programming abilities are welcome to apply. Knowledge of, and/or experience with, brain imaging and physiological recordings would be a strong plus. The position is initially funded for two years, beginning in January 2018 (flexible). The successful candidate will benefit from the interdisciplinary environment and computing resources of the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Department of Cognitive Science at Ecole Normale Supérieure in central Paris, as well as from the state-of-the-art neuroimaging facility (MEG, fMRI, TMS, intracranial EEG) at nearby Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière.

    Informal enquiries and formal applications (CV, motivation letter and contact details of at least 2 references) should be sent to catherine.tallon-baudry@ens.fr. The position is open until filled.

Website: http://www.iec-lnc.ens.fr/visual-cognition-group/?lang=en

What types of brain scanning technology currently exist?

There are a bunch of techniques (that I know of), and none of them are exactly easy to explain. Let me start by listing the types I know of – they can easily be found on the internet :

1) EEG
2) CAT
3) PET
4) MRI
5) fMRI
6) MEG

Now, for the details. I will do my best to break each down into as basic a description as I can, but I may overlook some concepts. Let me know. I’m not going to go into much detail on the diagnostic uses for each technique, but I will make a mention of at least one possibility for each.

PhD Admission in NBRC – For BTech & M.Tech (Without GATE)


National Brain Research Center : NBRC, Gurgaon Invites application for PhD and Integrated PhD Admissions 2012


Master’s degree or equivalent in any branch of Science such as Life Science / Physics/ Chemistry / Mathematics / Statistics / Computer application / Pharmacy / Veterinary Science/ Psychology
A minimum of four-year bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Engineering / Technology / Medicine.


Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in any branch of Science such as Life Science / Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics / Statistics / Computer applications / Pharmacy / Veterinary Science / Psychology / Engineering / Technology / Medicine.

PhD Students positions in Austria for Biomedical Areas

The Graduate School at IST Austria invites applicants from all countries to its PhD program. IST Austria is
a new institution located on the outskirts of Vienna dedicated to cutting-edge basic research in the natural
sciences and related disciplines. The language at the Institute and the Graduate School is English.

The PhD program combines advanced coursework and research, with a focus on Biology, Computer Science,
Neuroscience, and interdisciplinary areas. IST Austria offers internationally competitive PhD salaries supporting 4-5 years
of study. Applicants must hold either a BS or MS degree or equivalent.

The Institute offers PhD students positions with the following faculty:

Three Days Workshop on Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain-Computer Interface Applications in Chennai

January 5-7, 2012

The proposed workshop is going to explore the various research problems that require integrated support from medical-engineering experts. The hands on session on biostatistics will provide various methods to test the results and to relate its importance for clinical diagnosis.




Location:Los Angeles, CA

Type:Assistant Professor

Expires:January 21, 2011

Job description

Faculty Position at UCLA, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior

The Semel Institute and the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA are seeking a tenure track faculty member at the Assistant or Associate Professor rank to assume a leadership role in a program of cognitive neuroscience on nonhuman primates in the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience of the Institute. The candidate should be proficient in the creative use of methods of primate behavioral neurophysiology and should have a record of accomplishment using those methods, with evidence of the ability to attract public or private research support. Given the interdisciplinary nature of progress in cognitive neuroscience, and given the rich interdisciplinary environment of UCLA, it is expected that the candidate will be conversant with the latest advances in allied fields and ready to collaborate with colleagues in those fields. The candidate will be expected to participate creatively in interdepartmental teaching programs on cognitive neuroscience.