Summer Training in the subject of Telemedicine, e Health and Biomedical Informatics is available now at the newly established School of Telemedicine & Biomedical Informatics, SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
Details regarding Summer Training Schedule and Fees Structure will be posted at the site (
Samples of past courses – Course content and schedule of training (Telemedicine & eHealth) offered to WHO delegation from Maldives and Delegation from U.P. & M.P. Govt. and Samples of short term courses offered in Biomedical Informatics ( last three batches ) can be found at the same site for reference.
Certificate courses ( Short Term Courses ) tailoring to the need of the Candidate is now launched. It is available through out the year. Details at the site as above.
Online Courses will be started in due course of time once regular courses are stream lined.
The School has the state of the art World Class infrastructure and excellent faculty (In-house, Visiting, Online from India and overseas) and Teaching Assistants / Instructors. Besides didactic lectures, Practical Hands-on / Field Visits constitute an important part of our training programme.
The candidates have an added advantage of getting exposed to Health IT environment at the Hospital such as Hospital Information System infrastructure and process, all tele-health and tele-educational infrastructure and process while they are here.
All teaching and training programmes offered are to be charged. While fees structure for Summer Training and Short Term training follow the regular fee charged for similar courses in other disciplines in the Institute, fees structure for regular courses to be offered from next year are getting worked out.
Lodging and Boarding facility is available in the campus on Payment and has to be reserved in advance.
Details about the SGPGIMS, Lucknow can be found at and infrastructure and activities at the School of Telemedicine & Biomedical Informatics at
Further queries on Training Programme offered at the School of Telemedicine & BMI and any information on SGPGI Telemedicine & Biomedical Informatics
Programme can be addressed to – /