AmritaCenter for Nanosciences (ACNS), one of the premier research institutes inNanosciences and technology is currently looking for a Ph.D. candidate in itsNanosolar Division (Center For Excellence).
The candidate will work withincreasing skills in developing state of the art technologies in Photovoltaicand energy storage devices. Applicants should have an M.Sc/Mtech degree withfirst class / distinction in either ofthese disciplines Physics/Chemistry /Materials Science. The proposed start dateis Feb 1, 2011.
The stipend will beprovided as per the UGC norms. Candidates are encouraged to send their CVs byemail with subject line: “PhD 2011 Nano Solar” to “”.Alternatively they can post their CVs to the following address:
Amrita Center for Nanosciences,
Amrita Insitute of Medical Sciencesand Research,
Elamakkara Post, Cochin, Kerala, India, 682 026