Fully Funded Phd in Biomedical Engineering in Netherlands


Position Description: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a biomedical imaging technique that is used to make 3D cross sectional images of tissue. Current OCT systems are bulky and expensive. In this project we will work on novel technologies that can lower the cost and form factor of OCT. The work will focus on building a handheld swept-source OCT based on an integrated optics platform for waveguiding. Image processing and correction will be studied as motions of a handheld OCT probe need to be corrected for. The OCT device will be tested in application areas such as medical diagnostics and/or forensics. This project is part of the recently started IOP Photonic devices program “Low-cost handheld optical coherence tomography device”.


We are looking for a motivated PhD candidate with a background in electrical engineering, experimental physics, or equivalent work experience (MSc level). The candidate can work in a multidisciplinary environment and has good communication skills. Preferably the candidate has a background in (integrated) optics, Labview programming, signal processing, and optical design. Knowledge of the Dutch language is not a prerequisite, although learning the Dutch language is strongly encouraged.

We Offer:

This full-time position (36 hrs/week) is temporary for an initial period of 1 year to be extended to a total of 4 years (duration of a PhD project). Your salary will start at € 2086 and run up till a maximum of € 2673 euro gross per month in the 4th year.

About US:

The Academic Medical Center (AMC) is the most prominent medical center in the Netherlands and one of the largest hospitals. The AMC complex houses the university hospital and the medical faculty of the University of Amsterdam, as well the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and the medical department of the Royal Tropical Institute. Also a number of biotech companies – partly AMC spin-offs – are located on the premises. This concentration of expertise makes the AMC ‘more than just a university hospital’ and provides a breeding ground for fruitful scientific collaboration.

The AMC officially has 1,002 beds. Each year 25,000 patients are admitted; there are 35,000 day admissions and over 350,000 outpatient visits. The AMC has close historical ties to the city of Amsterdam. It also holds a distinguished position in the art world

More Information:

For further information please contact

Dr. J. Kalkman, Biomedical Engineering & Physics,
Academic Medical Center, Meibergdreef 9,
1105 AZ Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
Tel. +31 (0)20 566-8977.

Click Here to Apply Online using the application form of the employer

Position Description: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a biomedical imaging technique that is used to make 3D cross sectional images of tissue. Current OCT systems are bulky and expensive. In this project we will work on novel technologies that can lower the cost and form factor of OCT. The work will focus on building a handheld swept-source OCT based on an integrated optics platform for waveguiding. Image processing and correction will be studied as motions of a handheld OCT probe need to be corrected for. The OCT device will be tested in application areas such as medical diagnostics and/or forensics. This project is part of the recently started IOP Photonic devices program “Low-cost handheld optical coherence tomography device”.


We are looking for a motivated PhD candidate with a background in electrical engineering, experimental physics, or equivalent work experience (MSc level). The candidate can work in a multidisciplinary environment and has good communication skills. Preferably the candidate has a background in (integrated) optics, Labview programming, signal processing, and optical design. Knowledge of the Dutch language is not a prerequisite, although learning the Dutch language is strongly encouraged.

We Offer:

This full-time position (36 hrs/week) is temporary for an initial period of 1 year to be extended to a total of 4 years (duration of a PhD project). Your salary will start at € 2086 and run up till a maximum of € 2673 euro gross per month in the 4th year.

About US:

The Academic Medical Center (AMC) is the most prominent medical center in the Netherlands and one of the largest hospitals. The AMC complex houses the university hospital and the medical faculty of the University of Amsterdam, as well the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and the medical department of the Royal Tropical Institute. Also a number of biotech companies – partly AMC spin-offs – are located on the premises. This concentration of expertise makes the AMC ‘more than just a university hospital’ and provides a breeding ground for fruitful scientific collaboration.

The AMC officially has 1,002 beds. Each year 25,000 patients are admitted; there are 35,000 day admissions and over 350,000 outpatient visits. The AMC has close historical ties to the city of Amsterdam. It also holds a distinguished position in the art world

More Information:

For further information please contact

Dr. J. Kalkman, Biomedical Engineering & Physics,
Academic Medical Center, Meibergdreef 9,
1105 AZ Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
Tel. +31 (0)20 566-8977.

Click Here to Apply Online using the application form of the employer

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