Smart Enablers of Communication and Biomedical Technologies supporting Post-Disaster Aftermath
The inter-disciplinary approach is becoming an increasing need in scienti?c and industrial communities. The most evident example of such a need is represented by the strong interconnection between biomedical and communication engineering. On the one hand, ICT can provide new tools for making healthcare systems more ef? cient and responsive in order to supply in-the-home and mobile healthcare solutions. On the other hand, many of the most recent advances in communication technologies – from algorithms to the electronics and materials – are “bio-inspired”. Moreover, it is increasing the awareness of the great potentials offered by the synergistic combination of many disciplines (e.g., mathematics and physics, biology and chemistry) in both biomedical and communication engineering.
The global interest towards a safer Planet is forcing the industrial and scienti?c worlds to seek for engineering solutions in order to reestablish normal conditions both in terms of communication and medical-related functionalities, which are two of most basic needs of human beings, especially under critical scenarios in the aftermath of a disaster, either natural or man-made. Hence, from 2011 onward, ISABEL will also look upon the application of sciences in biomedical and communication engineering so
as to develop novel technologies and solutions that can make our lives “safer” in critical situations.
ISABEL aims at creating a stage where researchers, scientists and business people can discuss and share ideas at the frontiers of life sciences, pure sciences and engineering.
Topics of Interest (but NOT limited to)
Track 1: ICT for Life (Safety, Healthcare and Energy)
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for e-Healthcare
Cyber Attacks Protection
Digital Forensic
Emergency Communications
Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transmission
Interoperability of Disaster Responders Communication Systems
ICT for Intelligent Transportation Systems
ICT Impact on Climate Changes and Green Communications
Mobile Technologies for Healthcare Applications
Nanovectors Therapeutics
Tele Healthcare, Medical Applications and Information Systems
Smart Homes and Assisted Living
Standards for e-Healthcare
Unmanned Search and Rescue
Wearable and Implantable Wireless Sensors for Healthcare
Wireless Body Area Networks (BANs) and In-Body Communications
Track 2: Devices, Materials and Electronics
Biosensors, Biomaterials and Tissues
Electromagnetic Impact on Human Body
Fractal Antennas
Lab-on-a-Chip Devices
Low-Power Sensing Devices
Safer and Sustainable Chemical Materials
Wireless Implantable Devices
Track 3: Acquisition, Analysis, Processing and Recognition
Biomedical Image/Signal Detection, Acquisition, Analysis and Processing
Blind Source Separation and Source Identi? cation
Human-Machine Interfaces/Brain-Computer Interfaces
Remote Monitoring and Transmission of Vital Signs: RFID and Radar Devices
Wavelets and Multi-Rate Signal Processing
Track 4: Maths, Physics and Biology for ICT
Advances in Information Theory
Bio-Inspired Algorithms for ICT
Bionics for ICT
Cryptography and Quantum Cryptography
Learning-Capable Techniques for ICT
Optimization Techniques for ICT
Quantum Communications
Self-Organizing Networks and Advances in Network Theory
Track 5: Maths, Physics and Biology for Medicine
Biological Information Theory
Bionics for Medicine
Computational Molecular Biology
Human Sensorimotor Control
Mathematical Modelling and Design of Medical Diagnostic Tools
Mathematics of the Brain
Physics of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Systems
Physiological Fluid Dynamics
:: Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers must represent original work that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal, and has not been previously published. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a 5-pages full paper or a 2-pages extended abstract including results following the instructions in the IEEE conference template. All accepted papers will be granted either an oral presentation or a poster presentation. Please ?nd detailed information for submission at:
:: Dissemination
All accepted papers will be published in IEEEXplore. Selected authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for special issues or fast tracks in well-reputed journals.
:: Best paper awards
Three best paper awards and three best student paper awards will be granted to the authors of the best full papers presented at ISABEL 2011. Each awarded author will receive a memory placate and one title from River Publishers.
:: Important Dates
March 15, 2011 | Tutorial proposals
(submit the Tutorial proposals template to
March 15, 2011 | Demo/Prototype proposals
(submit the Demo/Prototype proposals template to
March 15, 2011 | Special session proposals
(submit the Special session proposals template to
March 15, 2011 | Workshop proposals
(submit the Workshop proposals template to
June 15, 2011 | Regular paper submission
September 05, 2011 | Review completion deadline
September 15, 2011 | Invited paper submission
September 15, 2011 | Notification of acceptance
September 30, 2011 | Camera-ready submission
September 30, 2011 | Video submission
September 30, 2011 | Early registration
:: Featured Special Sessions
Applied Sciences:
• Bio-Inspired Algorithms for ICT
• Bio-Nanotechnologies
• Mathematics as Foundation of ICT
• Mathematics of the Brain
• Number Theory Applied to Wireless Communications
• Quantum ICT
• Wavelets and Multi-Rate Signal Processing
Information and Communication Technologies:
• Ambient Assisted Living
• Body Area Networks
• Communication Networks for Sustainability
• Distributed and Cooperative Signal Processing in Medical Applications
• Electromagnetic Impact on Human Body
• Energy Efficient On-sensor Processing
• Energy Harvesting for Wireless Biomedical Sensor Applications
• Health Informatics
• ICT for Development and Disaster Recovery
• ICT for Intelligent Medical Transportation Systems
• ICT Solutions for Medical and Healthcare Applications
• Implementation Methodologies for Communication and Biomedical Systems
• Open Source Resources for Image Data Handling
• Propagation Models for Wireless Biomedical Applications
• Security, Privacy and Trust in Healthcare
• Standars for e-Healthcare
• UWB for Medical Applications
• Wearable Computing and Communication for e-Health
• Wireless Sensors for Biomedical Applications
Health Science Technologies:
• Advances in Neural-, Rehabilitation- and Cognitive Engineering
• Bioelectronics and Signal Processing for Prostheses and Wearable Medical Devices
• Biomaterials and Biosensors
• Biomedical Sensor Networks
• Bionic devices for handicapped and novel diagnostics
• Biophysical Modeling
• Biosignals: detection, acquisition and processing
• Blind Source Separation and Source Identification
• Brain Computer Interface
• Compression of Biomedical Signals and Images
• e-Textile for Control of Active Prosthesis – neural control of movement and in motor rehabilitation
• Genome Sequence Information Analysis
• Intelligent Implantable Devices
• Leadless Pacing
• Medical Image Detection, Acquisition, Analysis and Processing
• Monitoring of Mental Health Patients
• Nanorobots in Neuroscience
• Nanovectors
• New fronteers in cancer detection and treatment
• Optimization in Distributed ECG Interpretation
• Wireless implantable Devices for Neural Interfaces
• Recent Patents in Biomedical and Communication Engineering
:: Organizing Committee
Dr. Simone Frattasi (General Chair)
Dept. of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark
Dr. Nicola Marchetti (TPC Chair)
Dept. of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark
Emanuele Cappelli (Communication and Marketing)
Cappelli Identity Design, Via Sestio Calvino 149, 00174, Rome
Arianna Cappelli (Communication and Marketing)
Cappelli Identity Design, Via Sestio Calvino 149, 00174, Rome
Sara Prontera (Secretariat)
Cappelli Identity Design, Via Sestio Calvino 149, 00174, Rome
Marco Monti (IT)
Engineering Supervisor of Smiths Medical Italia s.r.l., Italy.
Luigi Frattasi (Meeting Planner)
:: Local Advisory Committee
Dr. Mischa Dohler
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain
Prof. Angel Lozano
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Spain
Prof. Gregori Vazquez
Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain
:: ISABEL International Scientific Committee
Dr. Nicola Marchetti (Chairman)
CTIF-Denmark, Dept. of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark
Dr. Simone Frattasi (Vice-Chairman)
CTIF-Denmark, Dept. of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark
Dr. Ernestina Cianca
Scientific Coordinator of CTIF-Italy, Dept. of Electronics Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy
Prof. Peter Jung
Dept. of Communication Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Prof. Constantinos B. Papadias
Athens Information Technology (AIT), Greece
Prof. Robert Allen
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Tamás Roska
Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Pazmany P. Catholic University, Hungary
Prof. Sergio Cerutti
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Prof. Metin Akay
Arizona State University, USA
Prof. Gaetano Marrocco
Dept. of Informatics, Systems and Production, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy
Prof. Marina Mondin
Dept. of Electronics, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Dr. Kamran Sayrafian
NIST and University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Sanjay Kumar
Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), India
:: Patrons and Sponsors
CTIF (Center for TeleInFrastruktur)
CTTC (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya)
IEEE EMBS (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society)
ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
River Publishers
Smiths Medical
UPC (Technical University of Catalonia)
UPF (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
:: Multimedia
:: Contact Information
Conference Secretary: Sara Prontera
Cappelli Identity Design, Via Sestio Calvino 149, 00174, Rome
Phone: +39 06 99344543; Fax: +39 06 99335143;