Website – www.uniti.in/analog-design-contest
Please visit www.tinyurl.com/tii-adc2011 Create an account for yourself and submit an online proposal.
Submissions will be enabled during April 20, 2011 – May 15, 2011
With a view to encourage analog system design at undergraduate level, Texas Instruments announces the Analog Design Contest for Indian Universities for the year 2011. Up to 50 universities will be selected from India for participation in the contest, which will take place in two phases. In the first phase, teams from within each university/ college compete for a $500 prize (to be split among team members). The winning team from each university/ college will then be entered in the second phase, called the Engibous Prize Contest. This contest has a first-place prize of $10,000 second place $5,000 and third place $2,500 to be split among members of winning teams.
Who can enroll?
- Any Indian academic institution that offers undergraduate programs in Engineering may participate. Please note that this contest is exclusively meant for Indian undergraduate students. If a student is enrolled in a dual-degree program, then he/she is eligible to participate if he/she is in the first four years of a UG program.
- An institution must propose a minimum of three teams, each team consisting of two or more undergraduate students and at least one faculty advisor. It is expected that the teams will independently work on the project.
- For each team, the proposal must include the following information:
1. Name of the College and affiliated University
2. Names of student team members along with their student id numbers and department information
3. Name(s) of faculty advisor(s) and their department(s)
4. E-mail contacts of the students and faculty
5. Mobile phone contacts of the students and faculty
6. Title of the project
7. A description of the proposed project,explaining the intention, innovation,block diagram, and the TI components which will be used in the project
8. A letter of intent (on college letterhead), signed by the Principal of the College.(Downloads)
- Submit your proposal along with letter of intent on www.tinyurl.com/tii-adc2011 . Submissions will be enabled during the period April 20, 2011 – May 15, 2011.
- Hardcopy of letter of intent, along with proposals, must be received no later than May 15, 2011. (Downloads)
- Teams from the college must be disjoint. In other words students should not be common to multiple teams.
- All proposals will be acknowledged. Shortlisted colleges will be intimated by June 15, 2011 so that they can proceed with the project implementation. The names of the short-listed colleges will appear on the Contest Website (www.uniti.in/analog-design-contest)
- Semiconductor components required for the project are provided by Texas Instruments.
- The proposal should not be submitted as an entry for any other contest, before or after.
- It is a requirement that the project will make use of either (a) at least three analog chips from TI or (b) at least two analog chips from TI and a TI processor.
- TI makes over 15,000 analog ICs. Visit www.ti.com for looking at application notes for the ICs and for ordering free samples. If you need help in getting free IC samples for any specific TI chip, you should write to C.P. Ravikumar ( ravikumar@ti.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) specifying the part number and package type.
- The final submission is due on February 1, 2012. The prizes will be announced in the first quarter of 2012.
- Format of the final report will be sent through mail, final report should be submitted along with covering letter from the institution. (Downloads)
- The decision of the judges will be final. TI reserves the right to split the prize money in case the judges recommend more than one winning entry. Similarly, TI reserves the right to not award The Engibous Prize awards if there are no sufficient entries or if the judges so recommend.
Chips that you may include in your design
Analog Category
Processor Category
- Each team member of all the teams shortlisted for Phase 1 will receive a certificate of participation from Texas Instruments.
- The details selected proposals will be publicized on TI website.
- A prize of US $500 will be awarded to winning team from each college
- The winners of Phase 1 will automatically enter Phase 2. If the team gets selected in Phase 2, the Engibous Prize of $10,000 will be awarded to the team. The 2nd place team will receive $5,000 and the 3rd place team will receive $2,500.
- The students/faculty will be invited to attend a TI University forum, where the award will be presented to them.
- The students/faculty will have the opportunity to present their work in a TI University forum.
- The students/faculty will have the opportunity to publish their work in a TI publication.
- Terms for TI India Analog Design Contest 2011
- Format of letter of intent
- Format of covering letter from the institution
- Poster of TI India Analog Design Contest 2011
For any queries please contact Sagar Juneja.
Email – sagar.juneja@ti.com
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Telephone Contact – +91 80 25099453