Position Description: We are recruiting PhD students for projects within the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research & Technology (SMART), to be supervised by MIT and NTU faculty. In those projects we apply mathematical engineering to problems in bioengineering and biochemistry, for example:
o Bayesian modeling of parasitic life cycle
o large-scale graphical models for functional genomics
o stochastic modeling and control engineering in the context of tissue generation.
About Us:
SMART is MIT’s first, and to-date only, research centre outside the United States. It is also MIT’s largest international research programme. MIT faculty members have laboratories at SMART, mentor postdoctoral associates and graduate students, and collaborate with universities, research institutes and industries in Singapore and Asia.
Our Objectives:
As a leading research hub in Asia, SMART aims to:
- identify and carry out research on critical problems of societal significance and develop innovative solutions through its interdisciplinary research groups (IRGs);
- become a magnet for attracting and anchoring global research talent to Singapore;
- develop robust collaborations with researchers at local universities and institutions in Singapore;
- engage in graduate education by co-advising local doctoral students and post doctoral associates; and
- help instill a culture of translational research, entrepreneurship and technology transfer through the SMART Innovation Centre.
How to Apply:
Please send detailed curriculum vitae, GRE/TOEFL scores, statement of research interests, three references, and relevant publications (if applicable) electronically to:
Prof. Justin Dauwels
Nanyang Technological University
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
For More Information Visit: Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART)
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