This is the Discussion on Facebook regarding Biomedical Engineering in India
In this discussion you will see the opinion of various persons
- Kush Biomedikal Tripathi– He is the administrator of this website on Biomedical Engineering
- Siddharth Nair– Biomedical Engineer who is working in India.
- Prashant S. Tawde– Biomedical Job Seeker in India
- Nanditha Ravi– An undergraduate in Biomedical Engineering from a college in Tamilnadu
- Pragadheeswaran Venkat-He runs Biomedical R&D company @ coimbatore tamilnadu also doing DAQ products and Biomedical stuffs
- Sarthak Sarangi- Biomedical Engineer currently going for Masters in Healthcare management
- Nibedit Dey-Biomedical Engineer who is tagged as ” Concept Engineer” by his client
- Amartya Ganguly– A PhD Scholar from University of Hull, United Kingdom
- Chandratre Satish- Biomedical Expert
- Rahul Tiwari– Frustrated Job Seeker
- Manisha Manoharan– Final Year student of Biomedical Engineering from VIT University.
These persons have expressed their opinion and if you also want to express your opinion then you can visit this post
And you can also post your opinion and suggestion Below this post.
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi started the discussion with:I can’t understand these Biomedical engineers around me….. Even if i tell them job and i tell apply there they are so lazy that they don’t apply they just crib that there are no jobs…… huh… yourself are responsible for ur decline
Prashant S. Tawde says: Applied for many vacancy, not getting reply from them…:(
Siddharth Nair says: Mails only dont work yaar….
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says:
To Siddharth Nair but you know I put a test vaccancy in my website to see whether people are vigil about applying or not it was a freshers job with a pay package 2 lakh rupees I did that 3 months back….. and you know no one applied till now…. either Biomedical Engineers are too smart or they are so lazy that they bother even posting their resume to any job offer and then i get people who tell me we are nt getting job…. Now u only tell me what shall i do… when BME are nt even ready to apply for the available jobs….
Siddharth Nair says:
ya Kush Biomedikal Tripathi some cases are like that even if we show the path they dont travel….. But thats where the DARWIN’s law is used na…. Fittest Survive…. In any course we’ll always have few back runners….
Siddharth Nair says :
But 3 months back no one must be in the situation to apply? Even i didn’t see that post of yours…..
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says
To Siddharth Nair: Now u tell me this is the shortcoming of those who apply…. I asked many manufacturers who recruit that why don’t you recruitBiomedical engineers They said they either don’t apply or are not employable…. I don’t know what measures must be taken to overcome this. I am seriously not able to digest these kind of responses
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says: Recently also same thing happened which invoked my this kind off response now.
Siddharth Nair says
To Kush Biomedikal Tripathi: even when i was interviewed i came across those words…… But thats true na… Do you think all who have studied BME wanted to do so???? They are not thinking to learn but only some how pass.
Siddharth Nair says
See only way everything can be corrected is when ppl understand the importance of understanding and learning
Nanditha Ravi says I appreciate ur effort kushji but most of them are ug students like me I can we apply without getting a degree? And also jobs as u post are scattered all over india(girls jus cant roam about)…and even if ppl apply,job profile and its authenticity matters..
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says
to Nanditha Ravi: I understand that you are undergraduate students and you cannot apply for the job.. But when you will be eligible to apply after few years then i question you WILL YOU BE EMPLOYABLE?
When you need a job then why you need that job below your Belly. You know How many people tell everyday that they don’t have ny jobs. You might be having seniors , they would have always told you that no jobs are around, But you must ask them at which places did they apply n got rejected. As this thing prevails, People are so lazy, Biomedical Campus Placements are not there because company are not biggies like software chaps who can do campusses. This field is still developing. And it will take time to develop like software industry,But this lure of easiness of software jobs has not only engulfed Biomedical Engineering. It has also engulfed engineers from electrical, ECE, MECH they don wanna do hardship jobs as they want easy software jobs. My intent was not to criticise you but in my opinion you need to fasten up your seatbelts so that you don’t feel bad tommorow when there will be lots of obstacles if you are not prepared.
Biomedical Engineers should apply learning as Siddharth Nairmentioned above. you can no longer take excuses of being gals……and about authenticity of job , you can give your email id and your place of belonging no one asks your address these days.
Siddharth Nair says to Nanditha
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi is perfect here Nanditha…. Especially girls need to change,,,, There are hell lots of job in market available for Biomedical Engineers…. I got one recently just being a fresher where as the call for was only for experience ppl……. Its all abt how u present ur knowledge n confidence…. u need to know all the things as BME is an inter-disciplinary branch if u remember……
Nanditha Ravi says and also some colleges do not give adequate training programs,not all papers are taught well-even to a sufficient depth, many shortcomings in colg stage itself.
Siddharth Nair says
To Nanditha…. We are not in school for spoon feeding…..Common there should be some difference between school and college…If u have doubts put it as a hammer and hammer the staffs of your college
Siddharth Nair says
To Nanditha…. “Where there is a will there is a way….If u will to make it no one can stop you!!!”
Nanditha Ravi says
To Kush Biomedikal Tripathi yup..they say no jobs are around..but i guess they dnt knw ur site..most of them pursue pg and settle for ‘lecturer’ jobs..i wonder then why study biomed if not preferring to work in a practical field?!
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says
to nanditha …… and one more thing i would like to tell what happens in college . Students are happy in taking minimum knowledge or learning minimum things so that they are asked minimum things in exams and they are able to get good grades n marks. you pay full fees you go everyday to college then why should you agree to what is taught.
Now next thing college authorities don’t train u well . I would like to ask you whether its your career or it is the career of your faculties or college who are already established. Its the question about your career your life… You need to learn thing. People say somebody hit them in face. But it is them who are keeping mum even after getting a hit. and even if they keep mum there are hundreds of things that you can do have you ever used you tube to study surgical procedures. Have u utilised the internet to download books . Have u ever read nything except what teacher teaches . Have u ever tried to learn something different from others. have u ever tried to ever considered it as learning rather than reading.
I don’t wanna discourage you… i just wanna tell u if we crib then we are showing our weaknesses. we shall show our strengths not our weaknesses
Nanditha Ravi says
true 🙂 but staffs also need to be well small colgs,its definitely a blaming..anyhow right..students have to follow their vision
14 hours ago via Facebook Mobile ·
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi ?Nanditha Ravi: even they are better , But still there are 80% people around who take up software jobs ,,,,,,, this is not good for the field n m really very dissappointed to see this kindaa response
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says
to Nanditha Ravi: one more thing Biomedical Engineering faculties are not there…. so you need to gear up yourself as a Biomedical engineer… N we never told ” NO” to any person….. You can just take the horse to water you cannot force him drink the water
Nanditha Ravi says i dont encourage that too but ppl take up software jobs bcoz they feel its a ‘recognition’..i was told that extra programming classes they’d undergo which is completely out of biomed track.
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says
to Nanditha Ravi: I wish to request you one thing…… Whatever i have written here today on my status post and all the comments… Please tell about this discussion to all theBiomedical engineers u know as it is necessary to make people aware about many aspects of Biomedical Engineering
Nanditha Ravi says sure 🙂 thank u 🙂
Amartya Ganguly joins and says
To Kush Biomedikal Tripathi there is no need to get upset at the faults for other people. Most people have a herd mentality they will where other 100 people have gone before why because its safe and a well trodden path. In case of BME, Universities have started this course without first considering employment options for those students. This is typical India. They think abt consequences later. Do you know that in my university the BME graduates can get a job in Mechanical Industry if they so choose. The only reason is because of the course structure. If the universities know that there is less or no employbility of the course which they have started the course structure should have be made in order to suit other industries also. Then again in India its Biomedical Instrumentation but can we apply to Intrumentation of electronic industries , NO because the course which were taught were too restricted.Hospitals in India dont have biomedical engineers which is another problem. the health care industry is going down the drain. Now seeing all this people will obviously fancy the IT companies.Not all branches of BME have even companies in India. The companies manily are sales companies selling devices.We dont have proper production and manufacturing of any BME branch. What i can suggest is that Biomechanics still has hope because of the number of prosthetic devices constantly being used and researched and of rehabilitation engineering. These lines are currently have a good chance these days. But again it comes to the individual person who wants to make it to the top. But people prefer spoon feeding as it takes less effort, less imagination and of course no work. India is having so many problems its not at all bothered abt BME which is foolshness as its an important aspect of health care industry which is getting neglected. Doctors understand the need for Biomedical Engineers but never have seen them working in co-ordination with them. they despise in their hearts because we claim to know a bit abt medicine but doctors give diagnosis, we research the cure of the disease, pharmacists make the pills, again the doctors just implement what we found out with of course with the support of us for delivering the drug.
Nibedit Dey says ultimate truth….
Nibedit Dey suggests keep applying even if u dont get reply…. remind again after 15-30 days again.. surely some one will respond u…someday
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says
the course structure is what it should have been in my thnking there is one BIGGEST problem wich starts frm the root and that is Biomedical engineering is taken as d last option by the students who are nt able to get admissions nywhere especialy as biomedical seats are nt filled by the top rankers only d student who have low ranks take this option in order to take admision nw lets leave it also nw next thng is tht many pure biology student take ths course thus maths based engineering or design course become a headache for the students they just want to clear it. N d pure math students r nt interestd in bio courses so now u tel me frm where a gud biomedical engineer wl develop, the solutn lies in making ds course nly for students who hv mathematics n biology if it has to b offered at btech level
. This is required coz IIT’s are IIT coz of quality f students they undertake.
Now one more thng those who take ths course as optn they never wanna pursue it wd their core f heart
and thus biomedical engineering just becums a alternative to becum a graduate n that too graduate as engineer
m pissed off wd d approach how they cn be so careless abt future.
Amartya Ganguly says Welcome to the gloomy part of the BME world mate. I felt the same in B-tech when I tried doing my project. I went through hell and of course for any research position.
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says to amartya was that comment for my post
Amartya Ganguly says yeah it was. The reason being I understand what u feel because I was as pisses of as u r seeing the condition of BME. Its even worse in West bengal and things did not improve much in colleges even because I got stuck into politics abt projects and grants and loads of shit which makes research fucking slow. but some teachers in colleges are good but thats a handful but never give u a freehand.
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says i m nt worried abt my future as i knw what i want frm my lyf n what i have to do in my lyf
i just became emotional by seeing d carelesness of sm fellow engineers abt their future
thus was ths status
Amartya Ganguly says i have known u only for 2 months kush but i can surely say that u will do well
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says nibedit u hv liked all d comments may b ur also aware abt d above thngs as ur d certified concept
what is your concept about this whole matter
Siddharth Nair says Hey guys instead of feeling pathetic abt what we went through we can just try to improve ourselves into best engineers anspite of all odds and then hit back to all the evils in our course…….
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says to
siddharth frm tym to tym such thngs are mandatory because v need to tel d ppl who r reading it that don’t loose hope is d moral of d story
Siddharth Nair says
True Kush Biomedikal Tripathi… its really needed…. but fact is lots of job are available in core companies for talented individuals…..All have to realize that first…. and work towards betterment yaar…
Sarthak Sarangi says
to Kush
I agree with you completely…… A person needs to keep applying continuously for getting a job….. I had applied for GE 7 tyms I applied one position for Internship came…. so its nt tht easy if u need a job u need to apply for that……. God n people will show you the path… but you have to come out of the houses and travel on it….companies dont come for you, you have to approach them…. in US also this is the scenario… one of our professors staying in US told us that….
Amartya Ganguly says
I dont know abt God as I am an atheist but I know for a fact that there is always room for the deserving ones. You learn ur short comings from every rejection. Companies need employees, the only thing is that u need to fit the description of their view of ideal candidate. If you are not then work towards it. Road to success maybe easy for some and difficult for others but giving up will not get u success ever in any field. True BME prospects are not high but if a person keeps the appropriate information and knowledge for the job he wants he will get his goal no matter what. Ups and downs are part of any field, I am sure our parents struggled in a similar way to get the jobs they wanted instead of whining about it and to tell the truth our parents did not have internet for starters so it was a lot difficult for them than its for us.
Pragadheeswaran Venkat says
kush ji if u ask fresh BME engg what u wud like to be in BME they want to work on BM R&D . first our people should understand to from service engg to tech support then R&D engg. is the root. but everyone wants to jump here there is no short cut .
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says they thnk research n development is d best job on offer but it is nt evryone’s cup of tea
n i wl gv them rdsearch position personaly if they prove the merit
bt they arent able to
one of my frend wantd research people,i put d ad bt all who applied hd nt gr8 practical experience so he wl nw go for ece n instru guys
Pragadheeswaran Venkat says even if u r good in practical the BME engg first require field understanding first thing need to see variety of machines , work place , study peoples & patients , getting interaction with doctors ,
Pragadheeswaran Venkat says
i have seen product experts for therapeutic and monitoring segments evolved from service engg to product experts . if you are good in marketing you can sell any product in commercial line but in medical need knowlegded to explain the modalities and function of the machine really needs real technical stuff in engg filed . kush ji sooner or later we add more peoples and organize the BME gathering and giving lectures on BME experienced peoples i have good contact with big peoples and experts in to bring and talk on medical equip dev to think globaly and locally . can we do that ?
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says
Yes Mr venkat….. My motive is upliftment of scenario of Biomedical Engineering……..I don’t want anyone to ask me ” What is Biomedical Engineering” Is it something related to Medical…… When some one makes such statement My blood boils……. and I am interested in your above suggestion…….. We can work on the same lines but it wont be lectures…. as student hate lectures……it will be something…… like eye opener for all… whenever you are ready just ping me….. We will start preparing for organization of such event
Siddharth Nair says
I won’t comment that the people who want to do R&D which they think is the best is wrong or extreme decision. But i would say our society through the educational system has given this provision so we need to harness that its quite obvious. Guys R&D thru academic way is really having lots of money in it. If you clear your GRE with a score of 1300-1400+ then you get a free sponsored education with a bulky stipend then why cant people take that!!!1
Both the ways of research are really very important….. so no point in telling people that only practical knowledge is a way to succeed. Those are really excellent in their theoretical knowledge can surely opt for the first way of R&D and i really wish them a good luck!!!
The people who are not excellent in theory never mind we have the second way of R&D with us… But the point is that we should be clear with our knowledge and confident enough to learn many more new technologies that will be emerging very shortly without anymore further delays…. Learning is a continuous process guys which needs to be done throughout your lifespan to emerge as one of the success stories in the universe…
I would just like to tell one thing people “You Just Follow what your heart says you can surely overcome all the hurdles coming along.”
U wanna do R&D without getting into service area please do study a lot with smartness into it and believe me you will achieve it….
And for others who do study but are not best in it please listen apart from hard core service you even have posts like Application Engineer if you are good in designing right from the start of your college days!!!
All the best to all
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says
friends i have put all this discussion here
Manisha Manoharan continues the discussion & says
?To Kush Biomedikal Tripathi… i perfectly understand u gettin annoyed at the attitude of such ignorant and lazy ppl…but tat shudn prevent u frm dispersin knowledge and information bout biomedical engineering and its future prospectives, cos no matter how many ppl chose to ignore it, one in a 1000 readers of ur blog might respond to it.. and who noes, it cud be a turning pt in his life! wat u r doin is not jus an ordinary job kush! its not tat easy for someone to impart knowledge to so many strangers, out of sheer interest in their development and wel being.and u very wel noe tat u re carryin out this duty or rather this mission, very successfully. i dono how many ppl ve responded ever to ur blog..but ur guidance at times did help me for sure.. so jus don worry bout wat ppl do and dont..jus keep up the gud work and continue to enlighten the lives of ppl… i’m sure u’ll make the life pf atleas one person sparkle! 🙂
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says
?To Manisha Manoharan: Its not about one individual or one person all together… All of us who are discussing here….& spending their valuable time just for the one fact that Biomedical Engineering should not be treated as a option but as a passion or choice by student, employer, faculty, college administration…… and every one else who is responsible for the downfall….I always want students of Biomedical Engineering to shine like stars… And following up students to say…. I want to become a Biomedical Engineer so that I can do this improvement I can do that improvement……..
There is a Glitch at every step….. we need to win ourselves …..Biomedical engineers can no longer enjoy the mediocrity/license/excuse that we are not employed coz we took Biomedical Engineering.
Manisha Manoharan says
see it also depends on wat the individuals want to do? not evryone wud wanna do something colossal in this field… i guess rather than takin the entire group of biomed ppl, first identify thos who rele wanna do somethin for the emancipation of biomed and then come up wit strategies to identify the cause of y biomed engrg is laggin behind… and then u can proceed towards enlightenin other ppl and students and instigatin the passion for this field in them.. see u ve obviously been inspired by someone or somethin but all of us r not like that… the main reason most of us take this field for granted is cos we ve never had anyone to tel us wat exactly our role in the medical society is.. there was no one to inspire us or to lay the foundations for us to actually think bout doing somethin for the development of this field. tat is y i’m rele happy to see tat u r spendin al ur tym to lend ur support and to inspire and guide us… this has come as a sudden change to many..and i’m sure ppl ll gradually strt respondin in a more positive manner… till then jus keep ur cool…
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says to all
My question is this only….. Why to do the thing which you don’t like….. why to do such engineering which you don’t love……
why some should work and all should not work when it will benefit all
why you don’t strive for things you need?
why you don’t complain when proper education is not being imparted to you?
you complain to your parents why not about your teachers to the management?
why we think we need to inspire when we live for ourself?
why we can’t ignite the fire in ourself?
why we get agonised at not getting jobs… but not at getting good training
why why why????
Shah Jahan Asked tel me about biomedical engineering??
Rahul Tiwari says
To Kush Biomedikal Tripathi to be very frank drez no scope for freshers. i have been trying since march i havent yet received any response….
and the most shocking one was the hospimedica interview posted on ……. the person asked for 3 years contracts with company with 1.2 ctc and if u break it u will be asked to pay 5 lakh caution money to company…..
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says
To ?Rahul Tiwari: to be very frank aap sach Bol rahe hen ( You are telling a genuine thing)and about hospimedica they are into this business n people have switched their company to other company
Rahul Tiwari says
To Kush Biomedikal Tripathi but sir if this iz d market scenario den wre will us exists…
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi
To rahul this bond thing is just to fear u…… u can even consult lawyer… no one can bound u to work…… take my word
Sarthak Sarangi added Bond is not legal….. I also assure you… no one can bound you
Siddharth Nair says
?To Rahul: there is a opening for Rapha Diagnostics, Vasai(Mumbai). and you have many more opportunities there. I started searching only in May and i got it yaar. You can call this number its Ms. Teena
Greetings of the day!!!
We have the following vacancy with our esteemed client and the details are given below
The Company was founded in 1989– a professional with now over 27 years experience in the field of medical equipment and disposables. The Group is engaged in the import, distribution, installation and after-sales service of sophisticated imported medical equipment.
Designation : Service Engineer
Qualification : BE/Btech ECE, Biomedical, Diploma in Medical Electronics
Experience : 0 to 1 years, should have exp of handling servicing of sophisticated Medical Equipment
Location : Vile Parle(E)
Salary : upto 20k
For any further clarification feel free to contact:.
With best regards,
Mumbai 400 074
Tel: (+91-22) 65293771
Mobile: 9769563808
Visit Us:
Siddharth Nair To ALL
guys u have lots. even if u go thru some consultancy firm its not a problem. The company pays them and you should not pay the consultant a single rupee pls remember that yaar……And whenever you have a phone number with you please mail them the needed details and then do call them and introduce yourself guys…That’ll help u…
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi ?says
To rahul tiwari i hope u commented on a right place nw u cn get what u want
thanks siddarth
Siddharth Nair ?says
To Rahul: Pls dont feel lost. if u search with true will you can find everything you want.
Siddharth Nair says ?
To Kush Biomedikal Tripathi: This may be the longest discussion related to all biomedical problems…..Your timing to put up this post was great… I appreciate you for it…… And all of our friends so i dont think v need any formailties like thank you or so..
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi says
To siddharth i told u it was necessary nw many more thngs wl cum up never say die is what i beleive in, v wl knock all d doors tl evry door is opened
Siddharth Nair says great attitude dude….Dont worry you will never be alone. I am there always to support
Siddharth Nair says
?Rahul and Guys for all those who are searching jobs. Please be open to entire electronics as well as core instrumentation industries. We are eligible to work there we need to prove ourselves to everyone that we are in the electronics fraternity. So whenever searching a job as a fresher open yourself to all kind of electronics. Once we have experience no company can ever tell us no…. That was my mantra to search a job and luckily I landed into Biomedical core itself…. Lets have a open mind!!!!!!
Rahul Tiwari says To
siddharth nair: thank you bro….i will try on ur gvn ref…
Rahul Tiwari says thanx 2 kush boss
Kush Biomedikal Tripathi
To rahul try job mile toh btana nahi mile toh b btana
happy to help u
Chandratre Satish says
Unfortunately most of the jobs are for sales & service demanding heavy work as compared with the jobs in IT’s or call-centres. May be that is the reason why biomedical engineers are reluctant. In any case this is sad.
Such people should have never opted for Biomed field and deprived some one who is really desire the seat.
I feel ashamed of such “biomedical engineers”
Siddharth Nair says to All
Guys i just finishe watching “STANLEY KA DABBA” its a must watch movie people. It is related as follows:
Imagine this boy in your mind’s eye. He arrives in school much before any of his classmates to drum away his blues on empty benches. He stuffs himself with water instead of the nutritious food that his schoolmates relish during the lunch break. He covers up for his lack of social rank with the fines
just imagine when such boy in spite of no support has a will to educate himself then we the privileged one’s and by God’s grace have all the necessary support in one way or other, but still keep complaining that our education is incorrect or college is not up to mark or the system is poor……
Don’t we feel these are lame excuses????? If STANLEY can will to study against all the odds in life then can’t we as a student learn so much and prove the world wrong by just striving harder in developing our basics so that we can be employable right from the day 1 after completing graduation??????
Guys we should feel lucky that we are educated enough that we can lead by an example….. But many among us are so lazy that the given curriculum work say for example our final year project can’t be done by own and depend on some centers to get one project done just for a sake of degree….Is it fair?????
Are such engineers really a cause of worry? I bet you guys if you would have done at least 75% of your project entirely on your own you will have so much of basic knowledge that you can surely clear any interview and no one can reject you from the job…………
Guys again i repeat only one point degree is just a piece of paper with no value unless and until you are confident that you have learnt a lot and you can be the best in your field!!!!
Explore yourself practically and do your own work however tedious it may be and complete it on your capabilities….This is what we called as learning process..
The future of Biomedical Engineering was and will always be bright but the future of Biomedical Engineers depends on us….The field has lots in it to explore but as an biomedical engineer do we have in us to explore this field????
Guys as kush says its high time now that we stand in our own feets without complaining that job is not there in our field or the field’s dry.
Wake up time guys its wake up time….
This Discussion is not limited to this as soon as things are updated i will update the opinion if you want to say something please do comment here.
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