Wockhardt Hospitals Ltd is a chain of specialty hospitals in India under the Wockhardt Group. The group is committed to provide with the best medical services in the country and is known for offering a comprehensive and world-class care.
Ensuring that patient care instrument used throughout the Wockhardt Hospitals Ltd. is safe.
Effectively manage and coordinate activities of the Biomedical Engineering Department to include the evaluation, replacement,
service and repair of complex biomedical patient equipment; administer policies and procedures applicable to efficient
To provide necessary support to the Doctors / Nursing Staff / Operators in terms with equipment’s usage
Biomedical Training for Staff
Minimum experience 2
Maximum experience 4
Location Surat
Contact Wilfred Lasrado
Wockhardt Hospitals Limited
Telephone 02616694541
Website http://www.wockhardthospitals.com
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