Advt. No : 08/BMT/2013
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute For Medical Sciences & Technology, conduct walk-in interview for the post of JRF Project entitled : ?The effects of maternal sleep deprivation on cognition in the offspring in an animal model? (P-8063) Qualification & Experience : 1st class M.Tech in Clinical Bio Engineering or (Essential) Converging technologies– Cognitiveand Neurosciences. Experience in MATLAB & recording of Biopotential or offline signal processing. Desirable : Ability to record Biological signals, and analysis of signals & handling of Biomedical appliances. No. of Post: One Pay Scale : Rs.18,000 Age as on 31-03-2013 : 35 years How to apply Date & Time of interview : 16.04.2013 at 10:30 AM ,Time of reporting : 09:00 AM, Venue : Biomedical Technology Wing, Satelmond Palace, Poojapura, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 012. Those who fulfill the above requirements may report for a written test/ interview as per the above schedule along with bio-data and original certificates to prove age, qualification, experience etc Venue: Biomedical Technology Wing, Satelmond Palace,